Fall Recreation guide 2

Simms Park Summer Concert Series Continues!


Enjoy the rest of summer with FREE concerts at Courtenay’s Simms Millenium Park on Sundays at 7:00 pm. Bring your own lawnchair or blanket and enjoy the show! • August 20 - THE SHARP 7’S ~ A very lively 7 piece jazz combo featuring the smooth sounds of jazz including Sinatra-era and contemporary music! • August 27 - JEFF PLANKENHORN ~ A world class songwriter performing in a wide array of genres from country and folk to soulful rock and blues. For this last concert of the season, we are holding a FOOD BANK DRIVE . Please bring a non-perishable food item or a cash donation. The Simms Summer Concert Series season is sponsored by the Comox Valley Record and Jet 98.9 FM and presented by the City of Courtenay.

Food Bank Drive on August 27

For information: Lewis Centre 250-338-5371 or get updates at www.courtenay.ca/simms


The maximum weekly volume per household of combined food and yard waste is 360 litres as of January 1, 2023. ORGANICS COLLECTION LIMIT Food waste collection is now included with weekly curbside collection. Co-mingle yard and food waste or set out a separate food waste container for collection.

Sign up for reminders & alerts at courtenay.ca/collects GET COLLECTION DAY REMINDERS


OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN | 250-334-4441 | courtenay.ca/ocp


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