Fall Recreation guide 2

GENTLE PILATES - YOGA FUSION Feel amazing with a blend of Yoga and Pilates. Benefits in clude a stronger core, improved balance, coordination and flexibility, as well as a deeper understanding of how to use your breath and movement to calm your nervous system and increase you well-being. No experience necessary. Instructor: Suzy Williamson #12314 Wednesdays September 20 - December 6 7:00 - 8:00 pm Lewis Activity Room $132/12 WOMEN’S YOGA FOR MIDDLE GROUND “Why am I so tired?” “Am I actu ally losing muscle tone?” “Why am I as moody as a teenager?” If you’re experiencing these sorts of puzzling changes, you could be starting perimenopause. You might be thinking, “I’m too young to be starting that!” The fact is, if your hormones are playing hav oc with your life, Yoga can help. This class will offer support for insomnia, fatigue, mood swings, and fuzzy thinking. Also, one of Yoga’s many gifts is the ability to build strength, even on days when you might be too tired for a cardiovascular workout. Let this nourishing class ease you through this challenging transi tion. Instructor: Catherine Reid #12641 Wednesdays October 4 - November 15 9:30 - 11:00 am Lower Native Sons Hall $95/7

MS FOR MS Movement and strength training is very important when dealing with Multiple Sclerosis. I will teach you strength training and cardio using the TRX so you will have the safety and stability of the TRX straps. We will also have discussion time to share our battles and victories with each other sharing the same disease. No class October 2, 9 & Novem ber 13. Instructor: Tammy Jones #12600 Mondays September 18 - December 4 3:30 - 4:30 pm Lewis Activity Room $81/9 55+ YOGA - ONGOING (55 years & over) A blend of styles (based in Hatha yoga) with a mixture of floor and standing work. Options for increasing challenge and deep ening awareness. A mixed level class with a thorough warm-up and poses to improve flexibility, balance, strength, and posture. Previous Hatha yoga or similar experience required. No class October 6, December 1 & 8. Instructor: Sheron Jutila #12319 Fridays September 1 - December 22 10:00 - 11:30 am Native Sons Grand Hall $175/14



In this class you’ll build strength, balance and flexibility with safe exercises, improve your posture, challenge your core strength and emerge feeling fit as well as more calm after a relaxing stretch. Learn how your breath helps you achieve a great full-body workout emphasizing functional fitness. With Pilates, a little goes a long way. No experience necessary. Instructor: Suzy Williamson #12313 Tuesdays September 19 - December 5 7:30 - 8:30 pm Lewis Activity Room $132/12 RESTORATIVE YOGA At the end of your day, if you are seeking relaxation, this class is for you! Relieve anxiety and chronic pain, while improving sleep. Being supported by a lot of props throughout the practice. Everyone is welcome. No class October 2, 9 & November 13. Instructor: Akiko Shima #12621 Mondays September 11 - December 18 5:30 - 7:00 pm Lewis Meeting Room $150 /12

Oh no, you had to cancel the class? Please register at least one week in advance to avoid disappointment.


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