Fall Rec Guide 2020
Evergreen Club
Volunteer Opportunities Our volunteers come to the Evergreen Club to keep active and meet new people. They stay because they meet fun, like minded people, feel part of our community and enjoy their time together. Volunteering gives people a sense of well-being, purpose, improved mindset as well as better health! Come find out why some of our volunteers have been at the Evergreen Club for over 20 years. Check out the current volunteer opportunities at www.evergreenclub.ca or call Cathy, our Volunteer Coordinator at 250-338-1000 or email caudia@courtenay.ca
Watch the newsletter and website for special events.
Florence Filberg Centre • 250-338-1000
EvergreenFoodService Support yourEvergreenClubbydropping in for a light lunchor snackpreparedbyour friendly volunteers. Freshbakedmuffins, soups, salads, sandwiches, lunchspecials,
desserts&moreareavailable. The foodservice is typicallyopen:
Monday to Friday 8 :00 am – 3:00 pm
COURTENAY RECREATION | 250-338-5371 | 250-338-1000 | courtenay.ca/rec
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