Fall Rec Guide 2020
Toreserveacourt: Come in to theLewisCentreofficeor call 250-338-5371. Payment isdueat timeof booking. Tobookbyphoneyoumust havea pre-paidbooking card. 4 squashcourts Lowrates forNon-prime timebookings Equipment rentals Childminding (seepage57) L e w i s C e n t r e Squash Courts COVID-19 Your safety is important to us. COVID-19 Safety Guidelines are in effect. For up to date information and schedules, please call our Lewis Centre Office at 250-338-5371 or check online at courtenay.ca/rec
Court Fees (per person)
Adult Student
Adult $450 $275 Student $200 $125 PWD $200 $125 Older Adult (55+) $370 $215 Family $925 $585 Annual 6 month UnlimitedPlayPasses Agreat deal for regular court users. UnlimitedĀ½court bookings. Prime Time $55 $35 Non Prime Time $35 $21 All fees include 5% GST DROP-IN (45 min.) Prime Time $6 $4 Non Prime Time $4 $3 BOOKING CARD (10 uses)
Squash Club
The Comox Valley Squash Club is a mixed gender league that runs every Wednesday from October to March. We are looking for all skill levels to join in on the fun. Get some great exercise and stay to socialize and watch others play. Contact comoxvalleysquash@gmail.com or ComoxValleySquash.com for more info.
COURTENAY RECREATION | 250-338-5371 | 250-338-1000 | courtenay.ca/rec
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