Fall Rec Guide 2020
BEGINNERS PIANO (55 years & over) Music makes your brain work better and here’s your chance to learn your favourite songs. These small group classes study the basics of music, then you choose more! The first book costs $34 and a piano or keyboard is recom- mended for practicing at home.
No class November 11. Instructor: Debbie Ross #6033 Wednesdays
September 23 - December 16 1:00 - 2:00 pm Lewis Tsolum Building $192/12
BEYOND BEGINNERS PIANO (55 years & over) Are you looking for a way to con- tinue to improve your piano skills? These small group classes are for participants with a little experi- ence that would like to study the basics of music, and then choose more! The first book is $34 and a piano or keyboard is recommend- ed for practicing at home. No class November 11. Instructor: Debbie Ross #6034 Wednesdays September 23 - December 16 2:30 - 3:30 pm Lewis Tsolum Building $192/12
RECORDER (55 years & over)
Do you have trouble breathing? Asthma, COPD, Emphysema or Sleep Apnea? Playing woodwind instruments helps with circular breathing, breath planning and deep breathing. We’ll be playing tenor recorders. Cost of instru- ment and book will be $105 due to the instructor at the first class. Rental may be available. No class November 11. Instructor: Debbie Ross #6036 Wednesdays September 23 - December 16
BEGINNER BLUES GUITAR Get happy while strumming the Blues! This course will focus on 12 bar blues songs and cover strumming patterns, turnarounds, blues scales and simple blues licks (phrases). No class October 12. Instructor: Larry Ayre #6012 Mondays September 21 - November 2 6:00 - 7:00 pm Lewis Tsolum Building $75/6 The harmonica is a versatile instrument that can be heard in music ranging from folk and country to jazz and rock, but the harmonica is truly at home with the blues. No previous musical experience is necessary. Please bring a ‘c’ harmonica. Class will be held outside when possible. Instructor: Larry Ayre #6014 Thursdays September 24 - October 29 1:30 - 2:30 pm Lewis Craft Room A $75/6
11:30 am - 12:30 pm Lewis Tsolum Building $192/12 As facilities re-open, all recommendations from health authorities will be followed. We are anticipating that this may include: • Physical distancing • Hand washing stations • Asking patrons to stay home when sick • Reduced occupancy in workout facilities and activity rooms • Disinfection of equipment and/or room after use • Installation of barriers/shields where appropriate Thank you for your understanding and helping keep our community and others safe.
COURTENAY RECREATION | 250-338-5371 | 250-338-1000 | courtenay.ca/rec
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