Fall Rec Guide 2020
Active Adapted Programs KARATE
LINE DANCING Come kick up your heels and dance the morning away! Line dancing is a great way to keep your body and brain active. Get ready for fun, friends and fabulous music to start your day. Instructor: Joan Wydenes Thursdays #6187 November 19 - December 17
ARCHERY Learn the art of archery through step by step instruction. Each week we will review how to draw a bow and shoot arrows so that your coordination, strength, aim and accuracy improve. Instructor: Sebastien Bracconier Fridays #6233 September 25 - October 23 #6234 October 30 - December 4 12:30 - 2:00 pm Lewis Centre Gym FREE, pre-registration required #6155 September 22 - October 27 #6156 November 3 - December 15 1:00 - 2:00 pm Lewis Centre Gym FREE, pre-registration required FALL FIESTA Let’s get the fall dance party start- ed! Register with your friends and join Tammy for this fitness and dance inspired class! All abilities and levels welcome. Let’s get mov- in’ and groovin’! Instructor: Tammy Jones Tuesdays
Learn the basics of kicks, punch- es and moves in this karate class adapted to each participant’s needs and mobility issues. Instructor: Sebastien Braconnier Fridays #6150 September 25 - October 30 #6151 November 6 - December 18
10:15 - 11:45 am Lewis Centre Gym FREE, pre-registration required
10:00 - 11:00 am Lewis Centre Gym FREE, pre-registration required
FUN DROP-IN @ THE LINC (19 years & over) You are invited to come play and meet people! Family, friends, and caregivers welcome to join the Building Friendships Program. No drop-in October 12. Mondays September 14 - December 21 2:30 - 5:00 pm The LINC Youth Centre FREE FMI: Karen 250-338-5371 LEISURE BUDDIES (5 - 18 years) Gymnastics, art, dance, sports and more - Courtenay Recreation is now able to provide leisure bud- dies so children and youth with diverse abilities can participate in our recreation programs. If your child requires support at school and/or struggles to participate in group activities, please contact the Adapted & Inclusive Program supervisor at 250-338-5371 to see how we can help.
Volunteers Needed! Volunteers are the key to participation in any program. Call 250-338-5371 or email lgrutzmacher@courtenay.ca Check out more Registered & Drop-in Activities in our Fall Newsletter, released September 1!
COURTENAY RECREATION | 250-338-5371 | 250-338-1000 | courtenay.ca/rec
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