Fall Rec Guide 2020
ECO EXPLORERS (6 - 9 years) The sun is out, it’s time to take curious kids outside to hop off the rails and explore the natural world around us! You’ll spend most of your time outside exploring bugs, birds, animals and plants. You will play different games and make na - ture crafts. Dress for the weather. No class October 12. #6141 Mondays September 21 - November 2 3:30 - 5:00 pm Lewis Salish Building $75/6
JEDI TRAINING (6 - 9 years)
Special Interest
The resistance is calling! There is no need to send your little Pad- awan to a galaxy far, far away. Build an X-Wing, design your own light saber, and make galaxy slime all while you prepare to face the First Order one last time. Enjoy
SLIME-OLOGY (6 - 8 years)
JURASSIC JOURNEY (5 - 9 years)
The Lewis Centre has turned into a science slime lab! Each week, par- ticipants will learn to create a new kind of slime. At the end of each class they will get to take home their slime with a slime ‘recipe’ to teach others how it’s done. #6210 Thursdays October 1 - November 5 3:30 - 5:00 pm Lewis Craft Room A $75/6
Have a RAWR-ing good time! Explore the wonderful world of dinosaurs through games, crafts and stories. No class October 10. #6142 Saturdays September 26 - October 24 9:00 - 10:30 am Lewis Craft Room A $49/4 LEISURE BUDDIES (5 - 18 years) Gymnastics, art, dance, sports and more - Courtenay Recreation is now able to provide leisure bud- dies so children and youth with diverse abilities can participate in our recreation programs. If your child requires support at school and/or struggles to participate in group activities, please contact the Adapted & Inclusive Program supervisor at 250-338-5371 to see how we can help.
this class, you will! #6209 Wednesdays
October 7 - November 4 3:15 - 4:30 pm Lewis Craft Room A $60/5
Please refer to courtenay.ca/rec for any changes or updates to fall programming.
Oh no, you had to cancel the class? Please register at least one week in advance to avoid disappointment.
COURTENAY RECREATION | 250-338-5371 | 250-338-1000 | courtenay.ca/rec
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