Fall Rec Guide 2020
What’s Inside...
105 Cumberland Recreation
2 Comox Recreation
30 CVRD Sports & Aquatic
54 Courtenay Recreation
Centres 250-334-9622 Registration is ongoing
250-336-2231 Registration starts Monday August 31
250-339-2255 Registration starts Monday August 31
250-338-5371 Registration starts Monday August 31
Adapted Programs for Diverse Abilities.....................76 CV Accessibility Committee.........................................111 Volunteer Opportunities..............................................111 Community Groups............................................113 - 120 Community Directory..................................................118
Cover photo supplied by Comox Valley Regional District
Courtenay Recreation Table of Contents
Since the Spring, our team at Courtenay Recreation has been developing plans and protocols to adapt our facilities and our operations to the COVID-19 pandem- ic. I’m so proud of how our employees have come together, and inspired by the ways our community has responded to this crisis. Courtenay Recreation has analyzed every aspect of our programs and services to ensure we are doing everything possible to protect the health and safety of our staff and our patrons. The programs you see in this guide are a result of months of hard work. Please keep in mind that external circum- stances may impact these programs. The City of Courtenay will continue to follow the recommendations of the BC Restart Plan, Worksafe BC, Island Health, viaS- port BC, and all other external agencies involved in keeping you safe. We ask you to do your part as well. Please follow all health and safety protocols, and stay home if you are sick. We will get through this together.
Early Years (Preschool) ............. 57 Children’s Programs................ 61 Youth Programs....................... 71 Adult Programs........................ 78 Active Living. ............................ 87 Wellness Centre....................... 87 Fitness....................................... 90 Evergreen Club. ....................... 97 Adapted Programs Adapted Programs for Adults with Disabilities..............76
Facilities Cozy Corner Preschool..............56 Squash.........................................86 Registration................................99 Wellness Centre.........................87 Culture Groups........................104 Courtenay Parks......................102 Lewis Centre Facility Rentals..100 Filberg Centre & Native Sons Hall Facility Rentals.........101
Bob Wells
Program Registration 250-338-5371 or 250-338-1000
www.courtenay.ca/rec click on Fall Programs
COURTENAY RECREATION | 250-338-5371 | 250-338-1000 | courtenay.ca/rec
Lewis Centre The Lewis Centre offers a Wellness Centre, gymnasiums, meeting rooms, squash courts, and Cozy Corner Preschool.
Office Hours: (for Florence Filberg Centre & Native Sons Hall facilities) The Florence Filberg Centre offers a wide range of room rentals: meeting rooms, conference facilities with kitchens and more. Florence Filberg Centre
For up to date hours please call 250-334-8138 or visit www.courtenay.ca/linc room. The LINC offers drop-in activities and youth programs. The LINC Youth Centre & Indoor Skatepark The LINC houses an indoor skate- board park, concession, games room, computer lab and meeting
Office Hours: telephone inquiries Monday - Friday
7:15 am - 8:45 pm
Saturday & Sunday
8:30 am - 12:00 pm & 1:15 - 4:00 pm
Monday to Friday 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Phone: 250-338-5371 Fax: 250-338-8600
Phone: 250-338-1000 Fax: 250-338-0303 Email: filberg@courtenay.ca 411 Anderton Avenue, Courtenay, BC V9N 6C6 www.courtenay.ca/filberg
Phone: 250-334-8138 Email: linc@courtenay.ca 300 Old Island Highway, Courtenay, BC V9N 3P2
www.courtenay.ca/lewis Email: lewis@courtenay.ca 489 Old Island Highway, Courtenay, BC V9N 3P5
Facility Closures: Mon, Sept 7 - Labour Day Mon, Oct 12 - Thanksgiving Wed, Nov 11 - Remembrance Day
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Cozy Corner Preschool Ages 3 - 5 years at the Lewis Centre
489 Old Island Highway, Courtenay 250-338-5371 courtenay.ca/cozycorner
Join our fully qualified and experienced Early Childhood Educators in a developmentally appropriate and fun environment of excellence. Our goal encourages not just learning, but the love of learn - ing. We focus on the importance of social skills and interac - tions with our learning environment which is designed to meet the overall needs of preschoolers. Our flexible, and hands on approach will maximize the learn - ing potential for playful exploration and new discoveries. Materials offered are fun, promote learning through play and challenge children to think creatively. Monday, Wednesday & Friday 9:00 - 11:30 am OR Tuesday & Thursday 9:00 - 11:30 am OR 1:00 - 3:30 pm Monthly Fees
Register now for Fall 2020!
$125 - 2 days/week $165 - 3 days/week $50 - annual family registration fee
($25 will be applied to first month’s fee)
Program runs September through June
“Play is often talked about as if it were a relief from seri - ous learning. But for children, play is serious learning” Fred Rogers
COURTENAY RECREATION | 250-338-5371 | 250-338-1000 | courtenay.ca/rec
Parent Participation
BABY TALK Bring your baby and meet other parents, hear guest speakers, thumb through our resource library, and gain the support and knowledge that new parents seek. This is a free, community based program. Dates and times to be confirmed, please check our web - site for updates.
LITTLE CRUISERS (7 - 14 months)
CHILDMINDING (one month & up)
Bring your baby and drop in for education, support, and socializing with other adults. You’ll have free access to guest speakers, com- munity resources, an information library, refreshments and more. Establish positive networks and develop the knowledge and skills to set up success for you and your little cruiser. No class November 11. Instructor: Sandra Allen #5847 Wednesdays September 23 - December 16 10:00 - 11:15 am Lewis Centre Craft Room A $1/Drop-in
Our excellent childminding ser- vice offers a safe, friendly and fun environment for your child. If you are participating in our programs, playing tennis, squash, or using our Wellness Centre, you’re invited to book time. Space is limited, please book in advance online or by calling the front desk. Monday - Saturday September 21 - December 23 #5944 8:45 - 10:15 am #6243 10:30 am - 12:00 pm Parents please help us keep our programs healthy by: • teaching your child to cough or sneeze into their elbow • practicing good hand hygeine with your child, including wash- ing for at least 20 seconds • stay home if they, or anyone in your house, are unwell or sick Lewis Centre $4/1.5 hours reservation required If you attend Bood Camp Blast on Tuesdays, drop your little ones off for some playtime fun while you workout. #5961 Tuesdays September 22 - December 22 10:15 - 11:45 am Lewis Craft Room A $4/hour, reservation required POWER HOUR PLAYTIME FUN (1 month & over)
The Lewis and Filberg Centres will be closed on October 12 and November 11.
To protect the health and safety of our participants and staff we have reduced class sizes and are requiring adult participation for all our Early Years Programs.
For updates & program changes, go to www.courtenay.ca/rec
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DINO DISCOVERIES (3 - 5 years)
Dig up the past as you learn all about dinosaurs in a fun playful way! Crafts, snacks and hands-on play will take you back to a pre- historic time! Adult participation required. #5952 Wednesdays September 23 - October 28 1:00 - 2:30 pm Lewis Craft Room A $75/6 Grounds where young Jedi’s learn their skills. Younglings will explore the universe, build a light saber, and create a giant Ewok village. You don’t have to travel to a gal- axy far, far away to join in on this fun. Adult participation required. No class October 10. #5966 Saturdays September 26 - October 24 1:00 - 2:30 pm Lewis Craft Room A $49/4 SILLY SUBMARINES (3 - 5 years) Take a deep breath -- you’re about to dive into the science of the seas! Discover a whole new world of fish, crabs, whales and more through crafts, stories and games. After this course you’ll be hooked! Adult participation required. #5967 Saturdays November 7 - December 12 1:00 - 2:30 pm Lewis Craft Room A $75/6 Look for this symbol throughout Courtenay Rec pages for programs that incorporate Physical Literacy. JR. JEDI TRAINING (3 - 5 years) Join us at the Yavin Training
FROZEN FUN JR. (3 - 5 years)
SILLY SCIENCE (3 - 5 years) Explore science through silly experiments! Make a tornado in a jar, sparkly slime, solar s’more ovens and so much more. Mix in active games and songs to add to this awesome science experience. Adult participation required. #5965 Thursdays November 5 - December 10 10:00 - 11:30 am Lewis Craft Room A $75/6 To protect the health and safety of our participants and staff we have reduced class sizes and are requiring adult participation for all our Early Years Programs.
Do you want to build a snowman? Can’t get enough of Frozen movie mania? Join us to relive the magic through crafts, games and singing all your favourite songs from the soundtrack. Join us as we venture into the uknooooown! Adult par-
ticipation required. #5963 Wednesdays
November 18 - December 9 1:00 - 2:30 pm Lewis Craft Room A $49/4
TEENY WEENY HALLOWEENY (6 months - 5 years) Come and create Halloween crafts, play games and sing silly songs with your tot. Adult partici-
pation required. #5953 Thursdays
October 15 - 29 10:00 - 11:30 am Lewis Craft Room A $39/3
COURTENAY RECREATION | 250-338-5371 | 250-338-1000 | courtenay.ca/rec
Sports & Movement LI’L KICKS SOCCER (3 - 5 years) Run, kick, pass, shoot, dribble
WOO KIM TAEKWONDO TIGERS (5 - 7 years) Taekwondo is a Korean martial art and an Olympic sport. Stu- dents learn Taekwondo with an emphasis on fun. Physical skills such as balance, co-ordination, and flexibility are coupled with building mental and social skills like confidence, co-operation, and focus. Sanctioned by the Woo Kim Taekwondo Assoc. and the BC Taekwondo Federation. All classes taught by 4th Dan kukkiwon in- structor Richard Dobbs. No class September 10, 29, October 1, December 1 & 3. Instructor: Richard Dobbs #5942 Tuesdays & Thursdays
PARENT & TOT KINDERGYM (3 - 5 years)
and practice skill based games as we introduce you to basic soccer skills. Learn how fun it is to be part of a team as you develop your listening skills, physical co-ordina- tion, teamwork and fitness. Adult participation required. #5940 Tuesdays September 22 - November 10 9:15 - 10:15 am Lewis Centre Gym $56/8 #5941 Thursdays September 24 - November 12 9:15 - 10:15 am Lewis Centre Gym $56/8 If you’ve never done Taekwondo before this class is for you. This class is designed to teach kids the basic foundational skills like kicking, blocking, punching, and life skills: courtesy, confidence and perseverance. Kids over 10 please join Junior class directly. We are a sanctioned member of the BC TKD Federation. Instructors’ per- mission required to progress to the Tigers/Juniors class. No class September 25 & October 2. Instructor: Richard Dobbs #5943 Fridays WOO KIM INTRO TO TAEKWONDO (5 - 9 years)
Run, jump, land, climb, rotate and swing. Our knowledgeable, playful, friendly staff will connect you to a lifetime of learning and physi- cal activity. Complimentary skills include working with your adult as an instructor leads you through individual basic skills, moving safe- ly around the gym, getting along with others, offering and accepting new ideas. An adult must partic - ipate and is responsible for the supervision of their children. No class November 11. Instructor: Sheri Roffey Wednesdays September 30 - December 16 #6166 11:00 am - 12:00 pm #6165 1:00 - 2:00 pm Lewis Centre Gym $105/11
September 8 - December 17 3:30 - 4:00 pm Native Sons Grand Hall $200/25
Register online at: courtenay.ca/reconline For updates & schedule changes, go to www.courtenay.ca/rec
September 11 - November 13 4:00 - 4:30 pm Native Sons Grand Hall $69/8
Recreation Access Program Provides opportunities for healthy lifestyle choices to the residents of the City of Courtenay who live below Statistics Canada low
income thresholds. Ask us how to apply!
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FAMILY PAINT NIGHT (1 year - 99 years) This family drop-in program features a different art project each week that is adaptable for all ages and skill levels. Get the whole gang together and spend some ‘non-screen’ time creating family memories in a fun recreational environment. #6145 Thursdays September 24 - December 10 6:00 - 7:00 pm Lewis Craft Room A Free, reservation required Drop in with your parent to burn off some energy. This program is mainly unstructured play time with a variety of fun equipment and toys. An instructor will facili- tate large group games for a por- tion of the program. An adult must participate and is responsible for the supervision of their child(ren). No program October 11. #6167 Sundays September 20 - November 29 10:00 - 11:00 am Lewis Centre Gym Free, reservation required PARENT & TOT SPORT OPEN GYM (6 years & under) Drop in with your family to burn off some energy due to all the fun and excitement the holiday sea- son brings! This program is mainly unstructured play time with a variety of sport equipment and toys. An instructor will be present to facilitate large group games. An adult must participate and is responsible for the supervision of HOLIDAY FAMILY SPORTS DROP-IN (1 year - 99 years)
FREE FAMILY DROP-IN PROGRAMS • All programs are free but space is limited so please reserve your space online or over the phone prior to the start of class • Check out the calendar online at courtenay.ca for project schedules *Parent/Guardian participation required
PARENT & TOT PAINT TIME (1- 5 years)
PARENT & TOT PLAYTIME (6 years & under)
This activity is for our little friends who are very curious and ready to experiment and learn with art based materials with their caregiv- ers. Each week will be a different project that can be completed together. #5956 Tuesdays September 22 - December 8 1:00 - 2:00 pm Lewis Craft Room A Free, reservation required
Join us for free play in our gym. Activities available might include plasma cars, music and movement games. An adult must participate and is responsible for the super- vision of their child(ren). No class October 12 & November 11. #5957 Mondays, Thursdays & Saturdays
their child(ren). #6216 Sundays
September 21 - December 12 11:30 am - 12:30 pm Lewis Centre Gym Free, reservation required
December 6 - 20 10:00 - 11:00 am Lewis Centre Gym Free, reservation required
COURTENAY RECREATION | 250-338-5371 | 250-338-1000 | courtenay.ca/rec
School’s Out
TWEEN PRO D (7 - 11 years)
WINTER BREAK DAY CAMP (5 - 12 years)
PRO-D DAY: EVERYTHING YOU EVER WANTED TO DO (5 - 12 years) Get ready for an action packed day! Participate in wild games, wonderful crafts and messy activ- ities. Your kids will have a ball and we will clean up the mess. Please wear old duds that can get a little dirty. #6160 Friday October 23 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Lewis Craft Room A #6161 Thursday November 19 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Lewis Salish Building $49/day Check out page 71 for Winter Break Family Drop in at The LINC for all ages.
Enjoy your day off at school at The LINC! We’ll keep you busy playing air hockey and dodgeball, prac - ticing tricks in the skatepark and making tasty snacks in the kitchen. After lunch we’ll relax at the wave pool! #6099 Friday October 23 #6112 Thursday November 19
Embrace the holiday season and play the day away! Active games, arts and crafts, and lots more will provide you with a sleigh of fun. Please bring your lunch. #6144 Monday - Wednesday
December 21 - 30 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Lewis Craft Room A $49/day
8:30 am - 4:00 pm LINC Youth Centre $35
FROSTY FROLICS (5 - 11 years)
ELF ACADEMY (5 - 8 years)
It’s winter and it is time to enjoy all that it has to offer. From ice cube races to snow making this day will make you remember why winter is so cool! Bring a snack. #6139 Thursday December 31 8:30 - 11:30 am Lewis Craft Room A $25
HOLIDAY FAMILY SPORTS DROP-IN (1 year - 99 years) Drop in with your family to burn off some energy due to all the fun and excitement the holiday sea- son brings! This program is mainly unstructured play time with a variety of sport equipment and toys. An instructor will be present to facilitate large group games. An adult must participate and is responsible for the supervision of play Reindeer games. Learning to be an Elf isn’t easy, but it sure is fun! We’ll keep your child busy with crafts and winter themed activities. #6211 Wednesdays November 18 - December 16 3:15 - 4:30 pm Lewis Craft Room A $60/5 Santa’s elves are exhausted! Spend your afternoons at San- ta’s Workshop Training Academy helping them out. Make crafts and
their child(ren). #6216 Sundays
December 6 - 20 10:00 - 11:00 am Lewis Centre Gym Free, reservation required
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ECO EXPLORERS (6 - 9 years) The sun is out, it’s time to take curious kids outside to hop off the rails and explore the natural world around us! You’ll spend most of your time outside exploring bugs, birds, animals and plants. You will play different games and make na - ture crafts. Dress for the weather. No class October 12. #6141 Mondays September 21 - November 2 3:30 - 5:00 pm Lewis Salish Building $75/6
JEDI TRAINING (6 - 9 years)
Special Interest
The resistance is calling! There is no need to send your little Pad- awan to a galaxy far, far away. Build an X-Wing, design your own light saber, and make galaxy slime all while you prepare to face the First Order one last time. Enjoy
SLIME-OLOGY (6 - 8 years)
JURASSIC JOURNEY (5 - 9 years)
The Lewis Centre has turned into a science slime lab! Each week, par- ticipants will learn to create a new kind of slime. At the end of each class they will get to take home their slime with a slime ‘recipe’ to teach others how it’s done. #6210 Thursdays October 1 - November 5 3:30 - 5:00 pm Lewis Craft Room A $75/6
Have a RAWR-ing good time! Explore the wonderful world of dinosaurs through games, crafts and stories. No class October 10. #6142 Saturdays September 26 - October 24 9:00 - 10:30 am Lewis Craft Room A $49/4 LEISURE BUDDIES (5 - 18 years) Gymnastics, art, dance, sports and more - Courtenay Recreation is now able to provide leisure bud- dies so children and youth with diverse abilities can participate in our recreation programs. If your child requires support at school and/or struggles to participate in group activities, please contact the Adapted & Inclusive Program supervisor at 250-338-5371 to see how we can help.
this class, you will! #6209 Wednesdays
October 7 - November 4 3:15 - 4:30 pm Lewis Craft Room A $60/5
Please refer to courtenay.ca/rec for any changes or updates to fall programming.
Oh no, you had to cancel the class? Please register at least one week in advance to avoid disappointment.
COURTENAY RECREATION | 250-338-5371 | 250-338-1000 | courtenay.ca/rec
GIRLS GET ACTIVE (9 - 12 years)
CHILDREN’S BEGINNER ARCHERY (9 -12 years) Learn the basics of using a bow and arrow. Challenge yourself as you develop co-ordination, strength, a sharp eye, listening skills and more. You’ll gain an understanding of this fun sport which has a long history. No class October 10. #5960 Saturdays September 26 - November 28
BIG KICKS SOCCER (8 - 11 years)
Girls, drop in and get active! Join us for this fun, supportive and sporty drop in class, as we try out new sports, play games, explore new movements and make new friends. If you are not too sure about playing team sports or even know what you are interested in trying, this is the class for you! Each week we will focus on indi- vidual based sports and activities related to physical health and wellness. For example: yoga, Zum- ba, nutrition, archery, and more! #6176 Thursdays September 24 - December 3 5:30 - 6:30 pm Lewis Centre Gym Free, reservation required
Have fun learning the fundamen- tal skills of a soccer player! Get to know and understand the basic rules of the game, develop your dribbling and passing skills, learn how to work cooperatively with teammates and most of all have fun! The focus of this program will be on learning, individual skills, distance, partner work and com- munication. #5964 Thursdays September 24 - November 26 3:30 - 4:30 pm Lewis Centre Gym $75/10
1:30 - 2:30 pm Lewis MP Hall $99/9
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CLAY SCULPTING (8 - 13 years)
Explore clay through a variety of techniques and projects such as pinch pots, coil-throwing, and mask-making. No class October 12. Instructor: Jenja McIntyre Mondays September 21 - October 26 #6128 3:00 - 4:30 pm (8 - 10 years) #6191 5:00 - 6:30 pm (11 - 13 years) $149/5 November 2 - December 7 #6129 3:00 - 4:30 pm (8 - 10 years) #6192 5:00 - 6:30 pm (11 - 13 years) Lewis Craft Room B $175/6 DRAWING & PAINTING FUN (6 - 12 years) These classes are a fun mix of drawing and painting techniques and materials. New projects all year long, so come create every season! We will create with wa- tercolours, tempera and acrylic paints, oil/chalk pastels, markers, pens, pencils and artstix. Some days we will mix it up and use drawing and painting materials for mixed media projects. Wear painting clothes. Instructor: Taralee Houston #6137 Tuesdays
Arts & Crafts
Join us for Christmas craft-tacular! The glue, scissors, glitter and rib- bon will be flying and you will leave with some beautiful handmade crafts to share as gifts this holiday season. #6225 Monday - Wednesday
Make Christmas extra special for someone you care about. Create a variety of different projects like painting, jewelery, house decor and more. #6140 Tuesdays November 17 - December 15 6:00 - 7:30 pm Lewis Craft Room A $75/5 KIDZ CRAFT CORNER (6 - 9 years) Need a creative afterschool outlet? In this class you will create a new craft project to take home each week. Our instructors will guide you through the craft with step by step instructions and give you the chance to make your own mark on the project. No class October 23. #6240 Friday October 9 - December 4 3:30 - 5:00 pm Lewis Craft Room A $99/8
December 21 - 23 11:00 am - 2:00 pm LINC Multipurpose Room $0/3
CRAFT CREATIONS (9 - 13 years) You can never be too crafty in this class! Join us each week for a different project and expand your craft horizons. Our instructors will guide you through a variety of crafts that you can put your own
September 22 - November 10 6:00 - 7:30 pm Lewis Craft Room A $149/8
Register ONLINE at courtenay.ca/reconline For updates & schedule changes, go to www.courtenay.ca/rec
creative spin on. #6241 Mondays
October 19 - December 7 4:00 - 6:00 pm Lewis Craft Room A $99/8
COURTENAY RECREATION | 250-338-5371 | 250-338-1000 | courtenay.ca/rec
SEWING BASICS (8 - 13 years)
ADVANCED SEWING (8 - 14 years) Progress to a slightly more com- plicated garment. You will need to purchase your own thread and fabric (approx. $15 - $20). You will also need your own fabric scissors, straight pins and tape measure. Must have taken It’s Fun to Sew. Instructor: Jean Morgan #6164 Tuesdays November 10 - December 1 3:00 - 5:00 pm Lewis Craft Room A $70/4
IT’S FUN TO SEW (8 - 13 years)
Get to know the basics of how to use a sewing machine and learn some sewing terms that will help you create a simple sewing proj- ect. This class is for beginners and is a prerequisite for our other sew- ing classes. Instructor: Jean Morgan #6162 Tuesdays September 22 - October 6 3:00 - 5:00 pm Lewis Craft Room A $50/3 PIANO ADVENTURES (5 - 11 years) Music makes your brain work better! Here’s your chance to learn your favourite songs. Small group classes study the basics of music, then you can choose more! Books cost $40 at the first lesson. This class is suitable for beginners. A piano or keyboard is recommend- ed for practicing at home. No class November 11. Instructor: Debbie Ross Wednesdays September 23 - December 16 #6135 3:30 - 4:30 pm 5 - 7 years #6136 5:00 - 6:00 pm 8 - 11 years Lewis Tsolum Building $144/12 GNARLY LITTLE VIRTUAL CHRISTMAS CRAFT FAIR (9 - 19 years) With so many talented youth we did not want to see COVID-19 stifle their creativity at this market - so we’re taking the market online! Register your virtual table now and be a part of the fun! Make extra cash this winter while you showcase your talents! Painting, photography, jewelry, art-cards, and more are all welcome. For more information, please email linc@courtenay.ca. #6117 November 22 - December 5 $5
Make and sew your very own starter pillow case, then move on to pull on cotton pants. You will need your own scissors that cut fabric, straight pins and tape measure. You will also need to purchase your own fabric and thread (approx. $15 - $20). Must
have taken Sewing Basics. Instructor: Jean Morgan #6163 Tuesdays
October 13 - November 3 3:00 - 5:00 pm Lewis Craft Room A $70/4
Benefits of Learning to Sew • Allows you to have a unique wardrobe • Good for hand eye co-ordination • Emotional well being • Less environmental impact • Creative outlet • Helps self esteem • Sense of accomplishment
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SK8 LIKE A GIRL (6 - 12 years)
While the boys are away, the girls will SKATE! Build confidence and have fun learning the basics of skateboarding. Learn to cruise, test the ramps and try a trick or two. Grab your girl friends and get ready to own the skatepark. Why should the boys have all the fun. Skateboards and safety equip - ment included. No class October 12. Mondays #6088 September 14 - October 26 #6089 November 2 - December 7 6:15 - 7:00 pm LINC Indoor Skatepark $53/6 Jump on your board and go for a rip around the skate park Satur - day mornings! Our instructor will help you refine your skills and guide you through tricks to keep you progressing. No class Octo- ber 10. Saturdays #6230 September 12 - October 24 #6231 November 7 - December 12 11:00 am - 12:00 pm SATURDAY SK8 JAM (6 - 12 years)
PRIVATE SKATEBOARD LESSONS (6 - 13 years) Want to refine your skateboarding or scootering or get an edge up on your friends? Are you brand new to the sport and don’t know where to start? Take a private lesson - or semi-private lesson with a friend - with our instructors and get tips and tricks to help keep you pro - gressing. Rentals available. Saturdays September 12 - December 12 10:15 - 11:00 am Tuesdays September 15 - December 15 4:15 - 5:00 pm or 5:15 - 6:00 pm LINC Indoor Skatepark $22/lesson or $29/semi-private (register with a friend) Skatepark
JR. SK8 STARS (5 - 7 years)
Have you ever wanted to try out skateboarding? This introductory class will get your wheels spinning! You’ll learn the basics of balance and pushing and have fun explor - ing the street and bowl sections of the indoor park. Skateboards and safety equipment included. No class October 12. Mondays #6044 September 14 - October 26 #6045 November 2 - December 7 4:00 - 4:45 pm LINC Indoor Skatepark $53/6 SK8 SCOOT SUNDAYS (6 - 12 years)
LINC Indoor Skatepark $59/6, $69/with rental
Do you dabble in skateboarding or scootering or wish you did? Have fun developing in either or both sport as you learn tricks in the bowl and street sections of the park. This combo class is geared to beginner to novice riders who may want to learn new tricks or a new sport. Skate - boards, scooters and safety equipment included. No class October 11. Sundays
Check out other skatepark programs on page 73.
#6090 September 13 - October 25 #6091 November 1 - December 6 9:45 - 10:45 am LINC Indoor Skatepark $69/6
COURTENAY RECREATION | 250-338-5371 | 250-338-1000 | courtenay.ca/rec
WOO KIM TAEKWONDO JUNIORS - WHITE TO GREEN (7 years & over) Taekwondo is a Korean Martial Art and an Olympic sport. Known for it’s dynamic, powerful kicks Taekwondo is a rewarding outlet for everyone and offers kids both mental and physical development. Students gain physical ability in strength, endurance, coordination, flexibility and balance skills all while learning core human values of courtesy, integrity, persever- ance, self-control and confidence. Sanctioned by the BC and Ca- nadian Taekwondo federations. Taught by 4th Dan Black Belt Rich- ard Dobbs. No class September 29, December 1 & 3. #5949 Tuesdays & Thursdays September 17 - December 17 4:30 - 5:15 pm Native Sons Grand Hall $225/25
WOO KIM TAEKWONDO JUNIORS - BLUE STRIPE TO BLACK (8 years & over) Taekwondo is a Korean Martial Art and an Olympic sport. Known for it’s dynamic, powerful kicks Taekwondo is a rewarding outlet for everyone and offers kids both mental and physical development. Students gain physical ability in strength, endurance, coordination, flexibility and balance skills all while learning core human values of courtesy, integrity, persever- ance, self-control and confidence. Sanctioned by the BC and Ca- nadian Taekwondo federations. Taught by 4th Dan Black Belt Rich- ard Dobbs. No class September 29, December 1 & 3. #5950 Tuesdays & Thursdays September 17 - December 17 5:45 - 6:30 pm Native Sons Grand Hall $225/25
If you’ve never done Taekwondo before this class is for you. This class is designed to teach kids the basic foundational skills like kicking, blocking, punching, and life skills: courtesy, confidence and perseverance. Kids over 10 please join Junior class directly. We are a sanctioned member of the BC TKD Federation. Instructors permission required to progress to the Tigers/ Juniors class. No class September 25. Instructor: Richard Dobbs #5943 Fridays September 18 - November 13 4:00 - 4:30 pm Native Sons Grand Hall $69/8 WOO KIM TAEKWONDO TIGERS (5 - 7 years) Taekwondo is a Korean martial art and an Olympic sport. Stu- dents learn Taekwondo with an emphasis on fun. Physical skills such as balance, co-ordination, and flexibility are coupled with building mental and social skills like confidence, co-operation, and focus. Sanctioned by the Woo Kim Taekwondo Assoc. and the BC Taekwondo Federation. All classes taught by 4th Dan kukkiwon in- structor Richard Dobbs. No class September 29, December 1 & 3. #5942 Tuesdays & Thursdays September 17 - December 17 3:30 - 4:00 pm Native Sons Grand Hall $200/25
Look for this symbol throughout Courtenay Rec pages for programs that incorporate Physical Literacy.
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Gymnastics Both boys and girls will enjoy the sport of Gymnastics, for fun and fitness. Knowledgeable, playful, skilled and friendly, our qualified instructors will connect you to a lifetime love of learning and physical activity. Each class includes a thor - ough warm-up, time spent on individual gymnastics skills, technique and knowledge, followed by a concluding activity according to gymnastics level. Our gymnastics programs follow CanGym curriculum from which report cards are created. New students are evaluated for their starting level during the first two weeks. Please return previous report cards. No classes October 10 and November 11. Instructors: Sheri Roffey, Carla Pendergast, Breanne Hague, Sabrina Savage, Hope Isenor, Chase Balbon
Wednesdays $159/11 Saturdays $159/11 Both days $286/22 Lewis Centre Gym
GIRLS & BOYS GYMNASTICS #1 (8 years & over)
GIRLS & BOYS GYMNASTICS #2 (8 years & over)
These combined classes allow for dynamic energy to be channeled in creative ways. Your experi - enced, fun and energetic instruc- tors will lead you through a thor- ough warm-up and then will help you to learn the fundamentals of gymnastics, develop your individu - al skills, increase strength, flexibil - ity and stamina. Use of equipment may be limited. #6170 Wednesdays September 30 - December 16 3:30 - 4:30 pm Saturdays October 3 - December 19 9:00 - 10:00 am
These combined classes allow for dynamic energy to be channeled in creative ways. Your experi - enced, fun and energetic instruc- tors will lead you through a thor- ough warm-up and then will help you to learn the fundamentals of gymnastics, develop your individu - al skills, increase strength, flexibil - ity and stamina. Use of equipment may be limited. #6172 Wednesdays September 30 - December 16 5:00 - 6:00 pm Saturdays October 3 - December 19 10:30 - 11:30 am
GIRLS PRE ADVANCED (8 years & over) Athletes progress into these programs once base fundamental skills are strong and when you are physically and mentally ready to advance. We recommend 2 classes per week to develop and maintain your skill level. Must have been previously assessed or have received a golden ticket. #6169 Wednesdays September 30 - December 16 6:30 - 7:30 pm Saturdays October 3 - December 19 12:00 - 1:00 pm GIRLS & BOYS This combined advanced class is for athletes who are experienced and strong in the base fundamen- tal skills and are physically and mentally ready to advance. Must have been previously assessed or have received a golden ticket. #6171 Wednesdays September 30 - December 16 8:00 - 9:00 pm Saturdays October 3 - December 19 1:30 - 2:30 pm ADVANCED (8 years & over)
COURTENAY CHILDREN COVID-19 Changes to Gymnastics Programs • Hand & personal hygiene practices such as sneezing and coughing in elbow and frequent hand washing/sanitization will be highly encouraged and built into class • Social distancing will be required • Programs will focus more on individual skills to encourage less shared equipment • Class sizes have been reduced & programming has been changed • No spectators will be allowed for programs • Staff will have increased cleaning protocols between programs • Limit the items participants bring into the gym; participants must only bring what they need in a marked bag (e.g., chalk, grips, full water bottle, hand sanitizer, yoga mat, socks, gloves, tape, etc.). • Sharing of personal items including (but not limited to) food and beverages (e.g., water bottles) is forbidden. • Prior to entering the facility, all individuals must complete a Daily Screening Checklist • Individuals must stay home if they are unwell or if someone in their house hold is sick, even if the symptoms are mild. They must also stay home if they have knowingly been exposed to someone who is sick. • Any discussion between parents and coaches must be completed over the phone, email or by electronic communication.
COURTENAY RECREATION | 250-338-5371 | 250-338-1000 | courtenay.ca/rec
7 STORY CIRCUS AERIAL ARTS (10 - 18 years)
TRAMPOLINE (8 years and over) Develop skills in a structured trampoline program and enhance your performance in other sports, school and social activities. Based on the BC Trampoline Acrosport Federation and CanGym pro - gram, you will progress through strength, body control, co-ordina - tion, timing, balance and self-con - fidence. Best of all, you will have a whole lot of fun! Instructors: Carla Pendergast, Sheri Roffey, Vern Nichols Tuesdays September 29 - December 15
Aerial Arts has become such an important part of our lives and we’re so happy to offer classes again. These classes are for aerialists with intermediate to advanced experience. We will focus on skill review, technique, artistic practice and rebuilding our strength & endurance. Each aerialist will have their own apparatus and training area. *Please contact info@7storycircus.com if your preference is for rope as there will only be one rope available per day. No class October 12. *Please refer to our website prior to class to review our new safety practices and prepare for class. *Until COVID-19 restrictions lift we are not offering beginner classes. 7SC Member Fee: $21/session to be paid to the instructor. Mondays (Intermediate/Advanced) 4:00 - 5:30 pm #6126 September 21 - October 26 $210/6 #6195 November 2 - December 14 $245/7 Fridays (Intermediate) 4:00 - 5:30 pm #6127 September 18 - October 30 $245/7 #6197 November 6 - December 18 $245/7 6:00 - 7:30 (Intermediate/Advanced) #6198 September 18 - October 30 $245/7 #6199 November 6 - December 18 $245/7 Vern Nichols Gymnasium Register ONLINE at courtenay.ca/reconline For updates & schedule changes, go to www.courtenay.ca/rec
#6173 3:30 - 4:30 pm #6174 5:00 - 6:00 pm #6175 6:30 - 7:30 pm
Lewis Centre Gym $120/12
Drop in with your family to burn off some energy due to all the fun and excitement the holiday sea- son brings! This program is mainly unstructured play time with a variety of sport equipment and toys. An instructor will be present to facilitate large group games. An adult must participate and is responsible for the supervision of
their child(ren). #6216 Sundays
December 6 - 20 10:00 - 11:00 am Lewis Centre Gym Free, reservation required
Recreation Access Program Provides opportunities for healthy lifestyle choices to the residents of the City of Courtenay who live below Statistics Canada low
income thresholds. Ask us how to apply!
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• Optimal level of challenge
PLAY Comox Valley’s Mission is to foster collaboration and action among communi- ty stakeholders to educate, inspire, and support building physical literacy for a healthy, active lifestyle for all.
Early Years Collaborative
COURTENAY RECREATION | 250-338-5371 | 250-338-1000 | courtenay.ca/rec
School’s Out
TWEEN PRO D (7 - 11 years)
NEW YEAR’S BAKE OFF (9 - 15 years) Create an assortment of holiday baking in this workshop. Cookies, bars, and treats galore; you’ll be a hit at the holiday parties and have all the goodies to ring the New Year in right! Participants will leave with an assortment of treats to share and a recipe book to contin- ue the baking at home! #6122 Monday - Wednesday
SK8 SCOOT SWIM (7 - 11 years)
Enjoy your day off of school at The LINC! We’ll keep you busy playing air hockey and dodgeball, practic- ing tricks in the skatepark and do- ing cool activities or experiments. After lunch we’ll relax at the wave pool! #6099 Friday October 23 #6112 Thursday November 19
It’s time to change up your winter break routine! Ride your skate- board or scooter and get tips and tricks from our skatepark staff as you cruise the street section and bowl. Or, challenge your friends to indoor and outdoor activities like dodge-ball, air hockey, ping pong and more! We’ll make sure you have an action-packed winter break! Monday - Wednesday
8:30 am - 4:00 pm LINC Youth Centre $35
December 28 - 30 11:00 am - 2:00 pm LINC Youth Centre Kitchen $89/3
#6120 December 21 - 23 #6121 December 28 - 30
9:00 am - 4:00 pm LINC Youth Centre $99/3
Join us for Christmas craft-tacular! The glue, scissors, glitter and rib - bon will be flying and you will leave with some beautiful handmade crafts to share as gifts this holiday season. #6225 Monday - Wednesday
Burn off some holiday energy and have some fun at The LINC as a family! Ride the bowl, sing karaoke or challenge your kids to a game of foosball, air hockey or ping pong. All ages welcome with an adult. Sunday December 20, 27 & January 3 Saturday January 2 10:00 am - 12:00 pm or 12:30 - 2:30 pm LINC Games Room & Skatepark $5/family (per date) Please prebook your time slot in advance at courtenay.ca/reconline Birthday Parties at the LINC (8 - 18 years)
December 21 - 23 11:00 am - 2:00 pm LINC Multipurpose Room $85/3
Register for an original birthday party package. We organize the games, provide supervision, and clean up! Choose from a variety of themes: • dodgeball • skatepark • karaoke • all about girls • gaming • general • make & take (tie-dye, slime or bath salts) Or combine themes to make a party all your own! Host parent must be present. Maximum 12 participants. No parties October 10, 11 or December 12. Saturdays starting September 26 12:30 - 2:30 pm or Sundays starting September 27 11:00 am - 1:00 pm or 2:00 - 4:00 pm LINC Youth Centre Games Room $110 or $150 with 3 large pizzas $152/Make & Take (choose one: tie dye, slime, bath salts) $192/Make & Take with 3 large pizzas
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LIGHTS! CAMERA! CODE! ACTION! (9 - 16 years)
GNARLY LITTLE VIRTUAL CHRISTMAS CRAFT FAIR (9 - 19 years) We didn’t want to see COVID-19 stifle the creativity of our youth vendors - so we’re taking our annual market online! Register your virtual table now and be a part of the fun. Start crafting, send us some photos and leave the marketing and promotion to us! Customers will submit their orders to you and you get to earn some extra cash during the holiday season showcasing your talents in painting, photography, jewel- ry, art-cards and more! For more information please email linc@ courtenay.ca #6117 November 22 - December 5 $5
INHALE THE AROMAS (9 - 14 years) In this STEAM (STEM & Art) pro- gram you will create a computer controlled camera rig and use it and other techniques to create a YouTube-ready video clip. We’ll touch on using electronics, ro- botics, code, video editing, green screen and camera work to tell a compelling story. This is a whirl- wind sampler of programs being offered at the MakeItZone. #6093 Mondays November 2 - December 7 5:00 - 6:30 pm LINC Youth Centre $95/6
Learn to design, act, or do both as you help create one of the scar- iest haunted houses - this year debuting virtually! You’ll get some insight into how a video project is put together shot by shot to cre- ate your eerie production. Bring your creative ideas and join us for an information meeting Septem- ber 23 at 4:30 pm Participants are encouraged to register ahead of time. #6092 Wednesdays September 23 - October 28 4:30 - 6:00 pm LINC Multipurpose Room FREE
Sign up for our awesome Aromatherapy class. Create, make & take your own personal inhaler for back to school. Explore the possibilities and learn to blend oils safely with a Registered Aromatherapist.
Instructor: Deanna Papineau #6123 Thursday September 24 4:00 - 5:30 pm LINC Multipurpose Room $25
COURTENAY RECREATION | 250-338-5371 | 250-338-1000 | courtenay.ca/rec
Skatepark SATURDAY SK8 JAM (6 - 12 years)
JR. SK8 STARS (5 - 7 years)
SK8 LIKE A GIRL (6 - 12 years)
Have you ever wanted to try out skateboarding? This introductory class will get your wheels spinning! You’ll learn the basics of balance and pushing and have fun explor- ing the street and bowl sections of the indoor park. Skateboards and safety equipment included. No class October 12. Mondays #6044 September 21 - October 26 $44/5 #6045 November 2 - December 7 4:00 - 4:45 pm LINC Indoor Skatepark $53/6 PRIVATE SKATEBOARD LESSONS (6 - 13 years)
While the boys are away, the girls will SKATE! Build confidence and have fun learning the basics of skateboarding. Learn to cruise, test the ramps and try a trick or two. Grab your girl friends and get ready to own the skatepark. Why should the boys have all the fun? Skateboards and safety equip- ment included. No class October 12. Mondays #6088 September 21 - October 26 $44/5 #6089 November 2 - December 7 6:15 - 7:00 pm LINC Indoor Skatepark $53/6
SK8 SCOOT SUNDAYS (6 - 12 years) Do you dabble in skateboarding or scootering or wish you did? Have fun developing in either or both sport as you learn tricks in the bowl and street sections of the park. This combo class is geared to beginner to novice riders who may want to learn new tricks or a new sport. Skateboards, scooters and safety equipment included. No class October 11. Sundays #6090 September 27 - October 25 $46/4 #6091 November 1 - December 6 9:45 - 10:45 am LINC Indoor Skatepark $69/6 SKATEBOARD FUNDAMENTALS (6 - 12 years) Build confidence learning the sport of skateboarding. Learn the basics of balance, pushing, cruising and then try out a trick or two! This class is geared to beginner-novice skaters. No class October 12. Mondays #6047 September 21 - October 26 $49/5 #6048 November 2 - December 7 5:00 - 6:00 pm you refine your skills and guide you through tricks to keep you progressing. No class October 10. Saturdays #6230 September 26 - October 24 $39/4 #6231 November 7 - December 12 11:00 am - 12:00 pm LINC Indoor Skatepark $59/6, $69/with rental Jump on your board and go for a rip around the skatepark Saturday mornings! Our instructor will help
Want to refine your skateboarding or get an edge up on your friends? Take a private lesson or semi-private lesson with a friend and our in- structors can give you tips and tricks to keep you progressing! Saturdays September 26 - December 12 10:15 - 11:00 am Tuesdays September 22 - December 15 4:15 - 5:00 pm or 5:15 - 6:00 pm LINC Indoor Skatepark $22/lesson or $29/semi-private (register with a friend) Register ONLINE at courtenay.ca/reconline For updates & schedule changes, go to www.courtenay.ca/rec
LINC Indoor Skatepark $59/6, $69/with rental
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Special Interest YOUTH COUNCIL (9 - 18 years) Develop leadership and team work skills through games, goal setting and skill building activities. Bring your friends, plan drop-in activities, help with special events and build your resume as you give back to your community. Informa- tion meeting October 1. Thursdays October - May LINC Multipurpose Room 4:00 - 5:00 pm FREE
FOOD SAFE (13 years & over)
GROOVY GANG (8 - 11 years)
Train to become an employable food handler in the service indus- try. You’ll learn about safe food handling methods and proper preparation techniques. Certifi - cates are awarded upon success- ful completion and are valid for 5 years. #6226 Saturday October 3
Join us for Tie Dye Tuesdays! Experiment with different tech - niques including bleached, ice and classic spiral with a salty twist. We’ll also enjoy other colourful projects to keep you busy and creating. Bring your friends and get in on the latest trend making a comeback! Tuesdays #6227 November 3 - 24 4:30 - 6:00 pm LINC Multipurpose Room $45/4
9:00 am - 4:00 pm LINC Youth Centre $98
Recreation Access Program Provides opportunities for healthy lifestyle choices to the residents of the City of Courtenay who live below Statistics Canada low
income thresholds. Ask us how to apply!
COURTENAY RECREATION | 250-338-5371 | 250-338-1000 | courtenay.ca/rec
readers’ choice 2017 O F T H E C O M O X V A L L E Y AWARD
air conditioned indoor skatepark skateboard&scooter rentals youth-access computers digital artsmedia&technights pingpong, airhockey foosball, pool XBOXONE, PS2,Wii SuperNintendo,Nintendo concession, kitchen bigscreenTV ADULT SKATE NIGHT (16 years & over) Dust off your skateboard and come out for adult night at the in- door park! This program is based on regular participation and may be canceled if numbers are low. Helmets required and available. #6105 Mondays October 19 - December 28 7:00 - 9:00 pm LINC Indoor Skatepark outdoorbasketball court out-trips, special events private rentals
Youth (8 - 18 years): $2.50 drop-In
For up to date hours please visit www.courtenay.ca/linc Did you know . . . Due to COVID-19 restrictions, drop-in may look different this fall in the Centre. Please follow us on Facebook to stay up to date on policies & procedures.
$15/month membership $25/11 punch pass
Adult (Skatepark ONLY): $4 Drop-In
$20/month membership $40/11 punch pass
TWEEN NIGHT (8 - 11 years)
Calling all tweens! It’s your night at The LINC! Grab your friends and get in on the fun in the games room and indoor skatepark. This is the per- fect night to get comfortable in the space and build confidence in the skatepark with no older kids around. Check out our monthly calendar for addtional special drop-in activities like out trips, crafts, contests and more! Tuesdays September 8 - December 29 #6244 3:00 - 5:00 pm #6245 5:15 - 7:15 pm $2.50/drop-in Due to COVID-19 and occupancy restrictions, please pre-book your timeslot in advance at courtenay.ca/reconline.
$4/Drop-in or $40/11 passes
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