Fall 2020 Guide



Courtenay Recreation Table of Contents

Since the Spring, our team at Courtenay Recreation has been developing plans and protocols to adapt our facilities and our operations to the COVID-19 pandem- ic. I’m so proud of how our employees have come together, and inspired by the ways our community has responded to this crisis. Courtenay Recreation has analyzed every aspect of our programs and services to ensure we are doing everything possible to protect the health and safety of our staff and our patrons. The programs you see in this guide are a result of months of hard work. Please keep in mind that external circum- stances may impact these programs. The City of Courtenay will continue to follow the recommendations of the BC Restart Plan, Worksafe BC, Island Health, viaS- port BC, and all other external agencies involved in keeping you safe. We ask you to do your part as well. Please follow all health and safety protocols, and stay home if you are sick. We will get through this together.



Early Years (Preschool) ............. 57 Children’s Programs................ 61 Youth Programs....................... 71 Adult Programs........................ 78 Active Living. ............................ 87 Wellness Centre....................... 87 Fitness....................................... 90 Evergreen Club. ....................... 97 Adapted Programs Adapted Programs for Adults with Disabilities..............76

Facilities Cozy Corner Preschool..............56 Squash.........................................86 Registration................................99 Wellness Centre.........................87 Culture Groups........................104 Courtenay Parks......................102 Lewis Centre Facility Rentals..100 Filberg Centre & Native Sons Hall Facility Rentals.........101

Bob Wells

Program Registration 250-338-5371 or 250-338-1000

www.courtenay.ca/rec click on Fall Programs


COURTENAY RECREATION | 250-338-5371 | 250-338-1000 | courtenay.ca/rec

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