Digital Summer Special Edition UPDATE
Your Comox Valley Recreation Guide has a different look this summer. Normally, thousands of copies of this guide are printed and distributed to households throughout the Comox Valley. With all the precautions we’ve adopted to help stop the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), including facility closures, program cancellations, and other uncertainties, our regional jurisdictions have transitioned away from the printed guide to this online format while we adapt to these evolving circumstances. Using online distribu- tion will help us better respond to the latest updates and guidance from the WorkSafe BC, the BC Recreation and Parks Association, Island Health, and the Province of BC. We are all working together on a common goal: to keep our communities safe. This means ensuring that our recreation facilities and programs are able to meet all necessary health and safety requirements for both the public and our staff before we reopen them. Each of our Comox Valley jurisdictions will have our own unique considerations. For any programs and services we are able to provide, you will notice significant changes to ensure we meet physical distancing requirements. Please know that our staff are working hard to make as many programs and services available to our patrons as possible under the circumstances. On behalf of all our Comox Valley local governments, we’d like to thank our communities for your understanding and patience as we adapt to this new ‘normal’. Above all, we’d like to thank you for doing your part to limit the spread of COVID-19. Jesse Ketler Board Chair, Comox Valley Regional District Regional Emergency Operations Centre Spokesperson Daniel Arbour Chair Comox Valley Sports Commission Bob Wells Mayor City of Courtenay Russ Arnott Mayor Town of Comox Leslie Baird Mayor Village of Cumberland
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