Courtenay Recreation pages Spring 2020.pdf

Comox Valley Accessibility Committee $FFHVVLEOH &RPPXQLWLHV DUH LQFOXVLYH FRPPXQL- WLHV :DQW WR ZRUN ZLWK XV WR PDNH WKH &RPR[ 9DO- OH\ EDUULHU IUHH" 0HHWLQJV DUH KHOG PRQWKO\ Comox Valley Arts Get involved with local arts & culture. Volunteer ZLWK &RPR[ 9DOOH\ $UWV DQG GLVFRYHU DOO VRUWV RI ways to join in with creative folks, do fun things, learn new skills, meet great people! Learn more at Therapeutic Riding Volunteers needed to assist people with divers- DELOLW\ QR H[SHULHQFH QHFHVVDU\ WUDLQLQJ SURYLG- ed. A desire to help people, work with horses, & enjoy a fun social atmosphere is required! Posi- WLRQV UHTXLUH VRPH SK\VLFDO DELOLW\ H J ZDONLQJ RQ trails and in the indoor arena. Committing to one hour a week for an 8 - 10 week session is ideal. The Salvation Army $UH \RX 1HZO\ 5HWLUHG" $UH \RX 1HZ WR WKH &R- PR[ 9DOOH\" $UH \RX ORRNLQJ IRU D IULHQGO\ SURGXF- WLYH PHDQLQJIXO ZD\ WR VKDUH \RXU YDOXDEOH WLPH" The Salvation Army NEEDS Volunteers! Yearly, short term, seasonal or special events opportunities! Call Dawn H[W 9LVLW RXU :HEVLWH ZZZ FYVDODUP\ FD Call 250-338-1968 or YLVLW Volunteer Opportunities Habitat for Humanity Vancouver Island North Construction is well underway at 1330 Lake Trail 5RDG +HOS EXLOG FRPPXQLW\ E\ YROXQWHHULQJ RQ WKH construction site and/or at our CV ReStore. People RI DOO VNLOO OHYHOV ZHOFRPH 9ROXQWHHUV PXVW EH DJH 16+. Training provided. Contact Alli Epp, Community Engagement Manager 604-617-7489

Courtenay Recreation VOLUNTEERING . . . a FUN and Healthy Lifestyle. Volunteers needed for pre-school and children’s programs, The LINC Youth Centre, Special Events and Adapted Programs. Volunteers are a gift to the Community! Call 250-338-5371 or email CV Volunteer Connector Connecting people who care with causes that matter! The CV Volunteer Connector is a ‘virtual volunteer centre’ where you may view a variety of opportunities online or call to set up a phone or LQ SHUVRQ DSSRLQWPHQW WR KHOS \RX ȴQG WKH EHVW ȴW IRU \RXU WLPH LQWHUHVWV DQG DELOLWLHV 250-207-8111 )LQG XV RQ )DFHERRN ΖQVWDJUDP MARS Wildlife Rescue Centre Mars Wildlife Rescue Hospital & Visitor Centre Mars needs volunteers year round for animal care SRVLWLRQV HYHQW VWDɝQJ DQG JXLGH FDVK SRVL- tions for the new Visitor Centre. Training provided for each role, 4 hours minimum IRU VKLIWV VXJJHVWHG KRXUV DQG GD\V ȵH[LEOH EXW scheduled. Call 778-428-2000 , or visit come-a-member/become-a-volunteer/ The Gardens on Anderton More than just gardeners are needed at The Gardens on Anderton. Bring your skills to our garden family. Make new friends, participate LQ ZRUNVKRSV PHPEHU EETȇV DQG PRUH DOO LQ D EHDXWLIXO JDUGHQ VHWWLQJ )RU PRUH LQIRUPDWLRQ e-mail or visit or the gardens on DQGHUWRQ RQ )DFHERRN


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