Courtenay Recreation pages Spring 2020.pdf
How to Register 5 easy ways to register for Courtenay Recreation programs! Spring Registration starts Monday March 2 at 7:15 am Registration Policy & Guidelines
ȏ $OO UHJLVWUDWLRQV DUHSURFHVVHG RQDȴUVW FRPHȴUVW VHUYH EDVLV ȏ 3UH UHJLVWUDWLRQ LV UHTXLUHG IRU all classes exceptwhenspeci- ȴHGDV DGURS LQFODVV ȏ )HHV DUH WREHSDLG LQ IXOO DW WKH timeof registration. ȏ &RXUWHQD\5HFUHDWLRQ UHVHUYHV the right tomake cancellations or changes asnecessary. ȏ * 6 7 ZLOO EH FKDUJHGRQDOO programswithparticipants over theageof 14andonall ȴHOGDQG IDFLOLW\ UHQWDOV 3UR- gramparticipants14years and under arenot subject to tax, with theexceptionof all drop-in SURJUDPV 6RPHH[FHSWLRQV mayapply. ȏ $ KDQGOLQJ FKDUJHZLOO EH FROOHFWHGRQ1 6 ) FKHTXHV ȏ 3OHDVH UHDG UHFHLSWV FDUHIXO- ly for informationondates, times, supplies, etc.
In Person At the Lewis Centre or the Filberg Centre By Phone 250-338-5371 or 250-338-1000. Use your Visa or Mastercard. By Fax 250-338-8600 Lewis Centre 250-338-0303 Filberg Centre Fax registration page. Use your Visa or Mastercard. By Mail Mail registration form with payment to: Lewis Centre , 489 Old Island Hwy Courtenay, BC V9N 3P5 or Filberg Centre , 411 Anderton Ave Courtenay, BC V9N 6C6 Registration forms available for pick up at the Lewis or Filberg Centres or online at Refundsmaybe issuedunder the following circumstances: ȏ $ IXOO RU SUR UDWHG UHIXQGZLOO EHJLYHQ LI D FODVV LV FDQFHOOHG RU IRUPHGLFDO UHDVRQV withadoctor’snote. ȏ 3UR UDWHG UHIXQGVZLOO EHSURYLGHGDIWHU WKHȴUVW FODVV EDVHGRQ WKHGDWHRI QRWLȴFDWLRQ ȏ1R UHIXQGVZLOO EHGRQHRQOLQH 5HIXQG UHTXHVWVPXVW EHPDGH LQSHUVRQRU E\ phone. ȏ 5HTXHVWV IRU UHIXQGVZLOO EHSURFHVVHGZLWKD IXOO UHIXQGXS WR)Ζ9(GD\VEHIRUH WKH VWDUW RI WKHSURJUDP $IWHU WKLV WLPH DQDGPLQLVWUDWLYH IHHRI ZLOO EH FKDUJHG ȏ 5HIXQGVZLOO QRW EHDSSURYHGDIWHU DSURJUDPKDV HQGHG ȏ 3OHDVHDOORZXS WR ZHHNV IRU FKHTXH UHIXQGV WREH SURFHVVHG ȏ 3OHDVHQRWH WKHUHPD\EHH[FHSWLRQV HJ &R]\&RUQHU 3UHVFKRRO SURJUDPV RI short duration, workshops, etc.). ȏ $OO SXQFKSDVVHV DUHQRQ UHIXQGDEOH ȏ:HOOQHVV&HQWUH0HPEHUVKLSV DUHQRQ UHIXQGDEOHDQGQRQ WUDQVIHUDEOH No email registrations accepted 5 Online Registration 1 2 3 4 We are Live!!
Thank You!
Thank you for your patience during this exciting transition! Ask about our special Wellness Centre UDWHV EHLQJ RHUHG February 24 - June 12.
COURTENAY RECREATION | 250-338-5371 | 250-338-1000 |
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