Courtenay Recreation pages Spring 2020.pdf

MOM & BABY YOGA This class provides an opportunity to bond with your baby as you UHJDLQ VWUHQJWK ȵH[LELOLW\ DQG EDO- ance while connecting with other PRPV DQG VKDULQJ \RXU H[SHUL- HQFH 2SHQ WR EDELHV VL[ ZHHNV until crawling. Instructor: $NLNR 6KLPD #5389 Wednesdays April 1 - June 17

11:30 am - 12:30 pm /HZLV 6DOLVK %XLOGLQJ $114/12


(9 months to 5 years with adult) Join the beloved Music Together® program! Playful music, move- ment, and percussion build joy DQG FRQȴGHQFH LQ PXVLF PDNLQJ 6NLOOV DQG VRQJV FDUU\ RYHU LQWR your home and your child’s life. $50 materials fee due to instructor DW ȴUVW FODVV No class May 15. Instructor: .D]LPHD 6RNLO #5002 Wednesdays April 22 - June 17 9:00 - 9:45 am Lewis Craft Room A #5031 Fridays

Parent Participation

CHILDMINDING (one month & up)

LITTLE CRUISERS (7 - 14 months with adult)

2XU H[FHOOHQW FKLOGPLQGLQJ VHU- YLFH R΍HUV D VDIH IULHQGO\ DQG IXQ environment for your child. If you are participating in our programs, playing tennis, squash, or using our weightroom, you’re invited to drop in.

%ULQJ \RXU EDE\ DQG GURS LQ IRU education, support, and socializing with other adults. You’ll have free DFFHVV WR JXHVW VSHDNHUV FRP- munity resources, an information library, refreshments and more. (VWDEOLVK SRVLWLYH QHWZRUNV DQG GHYHORS WKH NQRZOHGJH DQG VNLOOV to set up success for you and your little cruiser. No program April 8. Instructor: 6DQGUD $OOHQ #5438 Wednesdays BUNNY EGGCITEMENT (1 - 4 years with adult) +RS RYHU WR WKLV H[FLWLQJ SURJUDP full of spring themed arts & crafts. Together, parents & children will engage in a variety of activities from colouring to decorating eggs WRJHWKHU ΖW ZLOO EH D EDVNHW IXOO RI fun! #5486 Tuesdays April 1 - June 10 10:00 - 11:15 am Lewis Meeting Room $1/Drop-in

0RQGD\ 6DWXUGD\ March 30 - June 26 9:00 - 11:00 am &/or Mondays & Wednesdays March 30 - June 24 5:00 - 6:30 pm

April 17 - June 19 10:30 - 11:15 am Lewis Craft Room A $122/9 $81/sibling

Lewis Centre $4/1¼ hours

POWER HOUR (one month & up)


Introducing. . . WISH LIST A NEW online feature that will be available February 25, to get organized and ready in advance of Registration Day. Ask us how it works or visit to see the video.

Join the fun! There will be a little something for everyone with gym time fun, activities and more! Parents must stay on site during program but are welcome to use wellness centre or attend a pro- gram. #5482 Tuesdays

March 31 - June 23 10:45 am - 12:00 pm Lewis MP Hall $4/Drop-in

March 31 - April 14 10:30 am - 12:00 pm Lewis Craft Room A $25/3


COURTENAY RECREATION | 250-338-5371 | 250-338-1000 |

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