Courtenay Recreation pages Spring 2020.pdf
YIN YOGA: POWER OF STILLNESS Are you on a fast train? Ready to JHW R DQG EUHDWKH" ΖQ MOM & BABY YOGA This class provides an opportunity to bond with your baby as you UHJDLQ VWUHQJWK ȵH[LELOLW\ DQG EDO- ance while connecting with other PRPV DQG VKDULQJ \RXU H[SHUL- HQFH 2SHQ WR EDELHV VL[ ZHHNV until crawling. Instructor: $NLNR 6KLPD #5389 Wednesdays April 1 - June 17 YIN YOGA Yin yoga is a deep and peaceful practice using sustained, passive holds. Yin yoga is designed to target deeper connective tissues, fascia, and joints to improve your overall mobility and range of motion. This practice is the perfect complement to the more active Yang lifestyles we lead. Yin Yoga provides a greater sense of balance, peace and calm. This is an all-levels class, and is appropri- ate for those new to yoga. Limited space available. Instructor: :HQG\ 'DYLHV #5379 Tuesdays 11:30 am - 12:30 pm /HZLV 6DOLVK %XLOGLQJ $114/12 PRENATAL YOGA Going through many changes during pregnancy, prenatal yoga will help you to adjust, strengthen, VWUHWFK DQG UHOD[ \RXU ERG\ ΖW LV D great way to connect to your body, breath and baby. The class will be OHDG E\ D FHUWLȴHG ELUWK 'RXOD $OO levels welcome. Instructor: $NLNR 6KLPD #5388 Wednesdays April 1 - June 17 6:30 - 7:45 pm Lewis Craft Room A $126/12 VINYASA YOGA Vinyasa Yoga is a dynamic practice LQ ZKLFK SRVWXUHV DUH OLQNHG ZLWK breath to cleanse and strength- en the body, focus the mind and deepen your inner awareness. 0L[HG OHYHO FODVVHV RHU DSSUR- priate options for the beginner as well as challenges for the long time student. Instructor: Wendie Matte #5391 Thursdays April 2 - June 18 8:30 - 9:30 am Lewis Meeting Room $114/12 COURTENAY ACTIVE LIVING April 3 - June 26 9:15 - 10:30 am Lewis Meeting Room $126/12 You can now register ONLINE at! April 7 - June 9 5:30 - 7:00 pm Lewis Meeting Room $125/10 102 COURTENAY RECREATION | 250-338-5371 | 250-338-1000 |
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