Courtenay Recreation pages Spring 2020.pdf
BALANCE BASICS Balance is an underrated principle of our everyday functioning. It keeps you upright, allows you to walk without assistance and helps prevent injury. This class will help \RX ȴQG \RXU IRRWLQJ LI \RXȇUH IHHO- LQJ R EDODQFH KHOS \RX VHW JRDOV and work towards them! Working through our senses, we will start WR ȴQG VWUHQJWK LQ RXU VWHS No class June 18. Instructor: Wendie Matte #5024 Thursdays April 2 - June 25 10:00 - 11:00 am Lower Native Sons Hall $90/12 CARDIO KIX FIT MIX Get ready for a fun, high energy mix of cardio, strength and core. Kickstart your Monday morning ZLWK PLQXWHV RI NLFNER[LQJ dance and cardio moves. Then WRQH DQG EXLOG \RXU PXVFOHV ZLWK 30 minutes of strength and core using a variety of equipment, including TRX. No class April 13 & May 18. Instructor: Tammy Jones #5458 Mondays POWER SPIN Looking for more than just a spin FODVV" :RUN \RXU OHJV DQG DEV LQ this one hour class. This class con- VLVWV RI IDW EXUQLQJ F\FOLQJ RQ WKH VSLQ ELNHV IROORZHG E\ EDODQFHG ERG\ DE ZRUN 7KLV LV WKH XOWLPDWH FODVV WR EXUQ WKRVH FDORULHV DQG develop core strength. No class April 10. Instructor: Nancy Victoria #5475 Fridays April 3 - June 26 5:15 - 6:15 pm Lewis Activity Room $6.50/Drop-in April 6 - June 15 9:00 - 10:15 am Lewis Activity Room $6.50/Drop-in
FLEX CORE This class target deep core mus- culature along with the glutes and ORZ EDFN ERG\ ZHLJKW H[HUFLVHV SURJUHVVLQJ IXUWKHU WR 6ZLVV EDOO Bosu and more. Stretching and PRELOLW\ ZLOO DOVR EH LQWHUPL[HG with this new and challenging pro- JUDP $OO ȴWQHVV OHYHOV ZHOFRPH
SPIN/TRX 7KH EHVW RI ERWK ZRUOGV PLQ- utes of high intensity spin and 25 minutes of complete toning and strength work using the TRX, fol- ORZHG E\ PLQXWHV RI WRWDO ERG\ stretching. Instructor: Glenny Whelan #5449 Sundays BARRE ABOVE 7KLV FODVV FRQVLVWV RI D EOHQG RI EDOOHW EDUUH SLODWHV \RJD PXVFOH endurance and cardio. An all- around workout with tools like the EDUUH EHQGHU EDOOV JOLGHUV WXELQJ and small hand weights. This class LV RSHQ WR DOO OHYHOV 6KRHV RU EDUUH socks are required. No class April 10. Instructor: Nancy Victoria #5538 Fridays April 3 - June 26 9:00 - 10:00 am Lewis MP Hall $88/11
and results are guaranteed! Instructor: Steve Thomson #5117 Thursdays April 2 - June 25 6:30 - 7:30 pm Lewis Activity Room $91/13 YOGA FUSION
COURTENAY ACTIVE LIVING April 5 - June 14 9:00 - 10:00 am Lewis Activity Room $72/11 ou can now re ister at courtenay ca/recon ine 98 COURTENAY RECREATION | 250-338-5371 | 250-338-1000 |
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