Courtenay Recreation pages Spring 2020.pdf

55+ STRENGTH TRAINING (55 years & over)

SIMPLY STRENGTH 1 (55 years & over) Exercises will be taught with a variety of equipment to increase balance, range of motion and strength and will help you regain or maintain your ability to climb stairs, get in and out of a chair or car, and maintain your balance while walking and standing. Par- ticipants must be able to get up DQG GRZQ IURP WKH ȵRRU No class April 13, May 18, June 15 & 17. Instructor: Joyce Leong & Steve Thomson #5533 Mondays & Wednesdays March 30 - June 24 10:15 - 11:15 am Native Sons Grand Hall $154/22

55+ TRX & RESISTANCE TRAINING (55 years & over) Suspension training is perfect for the older adult allowing user to modify body position, base of support and stability to progress or regress an exercise. Move- ments on the TRX can stay simple and static or be more dynamic, depending on your own level of comfort. No class April 13 & May 18. Instructor: Tammy Jones #5003 Mondays & Wednesdays April 6 - June 17 7:45 - 8:45 am Lewis Activity Room $160/20

Strength training is great for anyone looking to maintain, build and improve their strength, balance and overall well-being. 2XU TXDOLȴHG LQVWUXFWRU LV LQ WKH weightroom guiding you through \RXU ȴWQHVV MRXUQH\ DQG R΍HULQJ support at every turn. No class April 10, 13 & May 18. Instructor: Juan Blancas #5095 Mondays & Wednesdays March 30 - June 24 10:00 - 11:00 am $144/24 #5096 Mondays & Wednesdays March 30 - June 24 1:00 - 2:00 pm $144/24 #5097 Mondays & Wednesdays March 30 - June 24 11:15 am - 12:15 pm $144/24 #5093 Tuesdays & Thursdays March 31 - June 25 10:30 - 11:30 am $156/26 #5094 Tuesdays & Thursdays March 31 - June 25 1:30 - 2:30 pm $156/26 #5099 Fridays WOMEN’S SPECIFIC STRENGTH This popular class for women of all ages focuses on resistance training to help improve muscle mass and bone strength, as well as increase balance, mobility and ȵH[LELOLW\ No class April 10. Instructor: Morgan Klieber #5195 Fridays April 3 - June 26 10:00 - 11:00 am $72/12 Lewis Wellness Centre

SIMPLY STRENGTH 2 (55 years & over)

This intermediate level class is a step up from Simply Strength 1 and R΍HUV RYHUDOO ERG\ FRQGLWLRQLQJ EDODQFH DQG DJLOLW\ FRUH VWUHQJWKHQLQJ and health and wellness education.

No class April 13, May 18, June 15 & 17. Instructor: Steve Thomson & Joyce Leong #5192 Mondays & Wednesdays March 30 - June 24 9:00 - 10:00 am Native Sons Grand Hall $154/22 No drop-ins, Registration only.

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April 3 - June 26 10:30 - 11:30 am Lewis Activity Room $84/12



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