Courtenay Recreation pages Spring 2020.pdf

HANDSTAND CLASS (12 years & over) Discover your next passion in 7 Story Circus Handstand classes! Our course is designed to maxi- mize skill and development while EXLOGLQJ FRQȴGHQFH LQ RQHȇV DELO- ities. Starting with basic support holds and working up to full hand- stand positions in a very natural, stress free professional environ- ment. All skill levels welcome. Instructor: 7 Story Circus #5108 Wednesdays com if you have any questions about whether this class is right for you. Instructor: 7 Story Circus #5150 Thursdays April 2 - May 28 11:00 am - 12:30 pm Lewis Centre Gym $5/Drop-in PROFESSIONAL OPEN TRAINING This is a non-instructional space for professional Circus Artists who are training at an advanced level. Please contact info@7storycircus.

INTRO TO NORDIC POLE WALKING (55 years & over) Learn the correct Nordic pole ZDONLQJ WHFKQLTXH WKH GL΍HUHQFH between Nordic poles and other walking poles, and why Nordic SROH ZDONLQJ LV VXFK DQ H΍HFWLYH ȴWQHVV DFWLYLW\ IRU \RX LQFOXGLQJ you burn 46% more calories over walking without poles, use 90% of your body muscles, it improves your endurance, cardio, posture,

OPEN TRAINING Practice more, be excellent, have fun; be inspired by others who are training and working on their skills, too! All equipment is avail- able for practice. This is a super- vised, non-instructional class open to anyone with circus &/or aerial experience. Info at 7storycircus. com, Facebook & Instagram. No class April 10. Instructor: 7 Story Circus #5185 Fridays produce our exciting year-end ȴQDOH 7KLV LV D PL[HG DJH WURXSH of beginners to pre-professionals (or for those 10+ years of age with circus experience and permission from instructor). No class April 13 & May 18. #5349 Mondays March 30 - May 31 6:00 - 9:15 pm Lewis Centre Gym $385/11 COMMUNITY CIRCUS 2 (12 years & over) We have been creating our year- end show! If you have previous circus experience and are inter- ested in joining us, this class is for you! With a focus on polishing up LQGLYLGXDO DQG JURXS DFWV :HȇOO

balance, and much more. Instructor: Catherine Egan #5254 Fridays May 15 - June 19

11:00 am - 12:00 pm Meet at Lewis Centre $60/6

NORDIC POLE WALKING LEVEL 2 (55 years & over)

Are you a runner or hiker with sore knees, physically active and looking for a low impact outdoor ȴWQHVV VSRUW ZK\ QRW WU\ 1RUGLF pole walking? Nordic pole walking is a total body workout for cardio, VWUHQJWK DQG ȵH[LELOLW\ 7KH IRFXV LQ WKLV FODVV LV ȴWQHVV WUDLQLQJ ZLWK 1RUGLF SROHV XVLQJ GL΍HUHQW terrains and elevation in our local parks. Instructor: Catherine Egan #5255 Fridays

April 1 - May 6 5:00 - 6:00 pm Lewis Centre Gym $90/6


April 3 - May 15 7:15 - 8:15 pm Lewis Centre Gym $10/Drop-in

May 15 - June 19 12:30 - 1:30 pm $60/6

A separate $21 once/year 7 Story Circus membership fee and a $10 show fee must be paid to instructor DW ȴUVW FODVV

ADULT AERIAL ARTS For beginner - advance aerialists. Focus is on skill & strength building, VWDUWLQJ FORVH WR WKH JURXQG JDLQLQJ KHLJKW DV \RXU FRQȴGHQFH DELO- ities increase. Meet others who love it, too! For show info follow us at, Facebook & Instagram. Instructor: 7 Story Circus #5183 Wednesdays #5184 Thursdays

April 1 - May 27 7:30 - 8:30 pm Lewis Centre Gym $180/9

April 2 - May 28 9:30 - 11:00 am Lewis Centre Gym $252/9



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