Courtenay Recreation pages Spring 2020.pdf
HANDSTAND CLASS (12 years & over) Discover your next passion in 7 Story Circus Handstand classes! Our course is designed to maxi- mize skill and development while EXLOGLQJ FRQȴGHQFH LQ RQHȇV DELO- ities. Starting with basic support holds and working up to full hand- stand positions in a very natural, stress free professional environ- ment. All skill levels welcome. Instructor: 7 Story Circus #5108 Wednesdays com if you have any questions about whether this class is right for you. Instructor: 7 Story Circus #5150 Thursdays April 2 - May 28 11:00 am - 12:30 pm Lewis Centre Gym $5/Drop-in PROFESSIONAL OPEN TRAINING This is a non-instructional space for professional Circus Artists who are training at an advanced level. Please contact info@7storycircus.
INTRO TO NORDIC POLE WALKING (55 years & over) Learn the correct Nordic pole ZDONLQJ WHFKQLTXH WKH GLHUHQFH between Nordic poles and other walking poles, and why Nordic SROH ZDONLQJ LV VXFK DQ HHFWLYH ȴWQHVV DFWLYLW\ IRU \RX LQFOXGLQJ you burn 46% more calories over walking without poles, use 90% of your body muscles, it improves your endurance, cardio, posture,
OPEN TRAINING Practice more, be excellent, have fun; be inspired by others who are training and working on their skills, too! All equipment is avail- able for practice. This is a super- vised, non-instructional class open to anyone with circus &/or aerial experience. Info at 7storycircus. com, Facebook & Instagram. No class April 10. Instructor: 7 Story Circus #5185 Fridays produce our exciting year-end ȴQDOH 7KLV LV D PL[HG DJH WURXSH of beginners to pre-professionals (or for those 10+ years of age with circus experience and permission from instructor). No class April 13 & May 18. #5349 Mondays March 30 - May 31 6:00 - 9:15 pm Lewis Centre Gym $385/11 COMMUNITY CIRCUS 2 (12 years & over) We have been creating our year- end show! If you have previous circus experience and are inter- ested in joining us, this class is for you! With a focus on polishing up LQGLYLGXDO DQG JURXS DFWV :HȇOO
balance, and much more. Instructor: Catherine Egan #5254 Fridays May 15 - June 19
11:00 am - 12:00 pm Meet at Lewis Centre $60/6
NORDIC POLE WALKING LEVEL 2 (55 years & over)
Are you a runner or hiker with sore knees, physically active and looking for a low impact outdoor ȴWQHVV VSRUW ZK\ QRW WU\ 1RUGLF pole walking? Nordic pole walking is a total body workout for cardio, VWUHQJWK DQG ȵH[LELOLW\ 7KH IRFXV LQ WKLV FODVV LV ȴWQHVV WUDLQLQJ ZLWK 1RUGLF SROHV XVLQJ GLHUHQW terrains and elevation in our local parks. Instructor: Catherine Egan #5255 Fridays
April 1 - May 6 5:00 - 6:00 pm Lewis Centre Gym $90/6
April 3 - May 15 7:15 - 8:15 pm Lewis Centre Gym $10/Drop-in
May 15 - June 19 12:30 - 1:30 pm $60/6
A separate $21 once/year 7 Story Circus membership fee and a $10 show fee must be paid to instructor DW ȴUVW FODVV
ADULT AERIAL ARTS For beginner - advance aerialists. Focus is on skill & strength building, VWDUWLQJ FORVH WR WKH JURXQG JDLQLQJ KHLJKW DV \RXU FRQȴGHQFH DELO- ities increase. Meet others who love it, too! For show info follow us at, Facebook & Instagram. Instructor: 7 Story Circus #5183 Wednesdays #5184 Thursdays
April 1 - May 27 7:30 - 8:30 pm Lewis Centre Gym $180/9
April 2 - May 28 9:30 - 11:00 am Lewis Centre Gym $252/9
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