Courtenay Recreation pages Spring 2020.pdf

PICKLEBALL (16 years & over)

DAYTIME BADMINTON (16 years & over) *HW VRPH H[HUFLVH PHHW QHZ players and improve your game in this fast paced group sport! Set up & play is self directed. No class April 10, 13 & May 18. #5257 Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays March 30 - June 26 1:00 - 3:00 pm Lewis Centre Gym $3/Drop-in EVENING BADMINTON (16 years & over) ΖI \RXU FRQFHSW RI EDGPLQWRQ LV D TXLHW EDFN\DUG EDUEHFXH JDPH you’ve never really played the VSRUW -RLQ XV IRU ERWK UHFUHDWLRQDO and competitive games! Set up and play is self- directed. No class April 13, May 18 & 28. #5258 Mondays & Thursdays March 30 - June 25 8:15 - 10:00 pm Lewis Centre Gym $3/Drop-in ton-sized court using wood paddle UDFTXHWV DQG D SODVWLF VW\OH EDVH- EDOO (TXLSPHQW ZLOO EH SURYLGHG #5530 Tuesdays & Thursdays March 31- May 14 2:30 - 4:30 pm Native Sons Grand Hall $2.50/Drop-in Join in and have fun playing this H[FLWLQJ SDGGOH JDPH /LNH D PLQL WHQQLV JDPH 3LFNOHEDOO LV SOD\HG E\ RU SHRSOH RQ D EDGPLQ-

BEGINNER SQUASH LESSONS FOR ADULTS Squash is a healthy, fast paced sport that incorporates fun and ȴWQHVV /HDUQ KRZ WR VZLQJ UDOO\ and keep score in 6 easy lessons. (TXLSPHQW ZLOO EH SURYLGHG No

ADULT GYMNASTICS (15 years & over) Join us for fun and laughter as you GHYHORS VWUHQJWK WRQH ȵH[LELOLW\ and more. Try out all gymnastics equipment and work on your indi- vidual skill areas. Encouragement JLYHV \RX WKH FRQȴGHQFH WR UHDFK out for more. Appropriate for all, IURP EHJLQQHU WR DGYDQFHG OHYHOV Instructor: 6KHUL 5R΍H\ #5251 Tuesdays March 31 - June 23 8:00 - 9:00 pm Lewis Centre Gym $117/13 Looking for some gym time to drop in and play a pick-up game RI EDVNHWEDOO RU VKRRW DURXQG ZLWK your friends without any commit- ment? Join us on Friday nights and HQMR\ WKH ȵH[LELOLW\ RI GURS LQ EDV- NHWEDOO 2SHQ WR SDUWLFLSDQWV years of age. No class April 10. #5259 Fridays April 3 - June 12 7:30 - 9:00 pm Lewis MP Hall $3/Drop-in BASKETBALL FRIDAY NIGHT DROP-IN

class April 13 & May 18. Instructor: Sue Tompkins #5265 Mondays

April 6 - May 25 5:30 - 6:30 pm Lewis Centre Squash Courts $60/6

INTERMEDIATE SQUASH LESSONS FOR ADULTS Intermediate Squash lessons are for those players who would like WR EXPS WKHLU JDPH XS D QRWFK Work on length, strength and foot- work through fun active drills. No


class April 13 & May 18. Instructor: Sue Tompkins #5266 Mondays

April 6 - May 25 6:45 - 7:45 pm Lewis Centre Squash Courts $60/6

ou can now register N INE at


COURTENAY RECREATION | 250-338-5371 | 250-338-1000 |

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