Courtenay Recreation pages Spring 2020.pdf

CLAY WORKS Whether you like traditional sculp- ture or would like to create funky, functional pieces of art, this class is for you. We will be using un- GHU JOD]HV WR ȴQLVK WKH VFXOSWXUHV Tools, under-glazes and some glazes will be provided. No class April 13 & May 18. Instructor: Jenja McIntyre #5175 Mondays March 30 - June 15 7:30 - 9:00 pm Lewis Craft Room B $199/10 SILVER SPINNER RINGS Learn how to size and create a unique spinner ring of your own design. The students will saw, tex- ture and decorate the ring blank. It will be soldered shut and then embellished with copper or brass spinners, polished and a pati- na applied, if so desired. If time allows a 2nd spinner ring can be made in copper. A $50 supply fee is due to instructor. application under the direction RI DQ H΍HFWLYH DQG H[SHULHQFHG teacher and artist. Instructor: Teresa Knight #5125 Thursdays April 23 - June 11 6:00 - 8:00 pm Lewis Craft Room B $99/8 Instructor: Cheryl Jacobs #5415 Saturday April 25 #5129 Saturday June 6 9:30 am - 4:30 pm Lewis Tsolum Building $85 HOW TO PAINT FLOWERS, TREES & PLANTS Designed with the beginning student in mind, this program will inspire and motivate you. If you’ve longed to learn watercolour, this is your chance to get started. Discover paints, paper, colour and


Silver Spinner Ring

PAINTING SEASCAPES & WATER :DWHU FDQ EH WULFN\ DV LW UHȵHFWV what is around it and does this dif- ferently depending upon the sur- face of the water at a given time. This course will provide ways to make senses of what you’re seeing and help you get it on canvas with


Come and learn about the spiritu- al, cultural, and historical teach- ings of cedar basket with Haida Kwakwaka’wakw weaver Avis O’Brien. Experience the satis- faction of creating something of unique beauty. This course is your introduction to a practical, tradi- tional art form using basic tech- niques and working with natural materials. Instructor: Avis O’Brien #5132 Fridays April 24 - May 1 10:00 am - 1:00 pm location $75/2 CEDAR BRACELET WEAVING Come and learn about the spiritu- al, cultural, and historical teach- ings of cedar bark while weaving a cedar bracelet with Haida Kwak- waka’wakw weaver Avis O’Brien. Instructor: Avis O’Brien #5130 Friday May 15 10:00 am - 1:00 pm Lewis Tsolum Building $40

lots of practice and tips! Instructor: Teresa Knight #5123 Tuesdays April 21 - June 9 6:00 - 8:00 pm Filberg Craft Room $99/8

FOLDED CUFF BRACELET Come take this one day workshop with instructor Cheryl Jacobs. Fold- ing the metal, annealing and then unfolding creates distinct patterns in the metal, no two bracelets will be alike. When the metal is unfolded there are areas created that can then be textured by hand and given a patina to change the colour. A truly interesting tech- nique to learn. $50 supply fee due to instructor at class. Instructor: Cheryl Jacobs #5127 Saturday May 16 9:30 am - 4:30 pm Lewis Tsolum Building $85



COURTENAY RECREATION | 250-338-5371 | 250-338-1000 |

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