Courtenay Recreation pages Spring 2020.pdf

SPRING BREAK FAMILY GYMNASTICS (1 - 99 years with adult) Spend quality active time together, crawling, jumping, rolling and tum- EOLQJ DV \RX H[SORUH J\PQDVWLFV over Spring Break! Instructor: 6KHUL 5R΍H\ Monday - Friday March 16 - 20

SPRING BREAK GYMNASTICS CAMP (5 - 12 years) Whether you are a beginner or a more accomplished gymnast, you’ll have a great time. Learn new skills, and develop your strength, ȵH[LELOLW\ EDODQFH DQG PRUH DV we work out on all apparatus Daily challenges and progressions will be set to your individual levels. Instructor: 6KHUL 5R΍H\ Monday - Friday March 16 - 20 #50007 12:00 - 1:30 pm 5 - 7 years #50006 1:30 - 3:00 pm 8 - 12 years Lewis Centre Gym $75/5

TRAMPOLINE (7 years & over) Develop skills in a structured trampoline program and enhance your performance in other sports, school and social activities. Based on the B.C. Trampoline Acrosport Federation and CanGym program, you will progress through strength, body control, co-ordina- tion, timing, balance and self-con- ȴGHQFH %HVW RI DOO \RX ZLOO KDYH D whole lot of fun! Instructor: 6KHUL 5R΍H\ &DUOD Pendergast & Vern Nichols Wednesdays April 1 - June 24

#50252 9:30 - 10:30 am #50253 10:30 - 11:30 am

$25/5 (1 adult, 1 child) $40/5 (1 adult, 2 children) $5.50/ Drop-in (1 adult, 1 child) $4.00/additional child

#5273 3:30 - 4:30 pm #5274 4:30 - 5:30 pm

Who is Physical Literacy for? Everyone! The ideal ages for the development of basic fundamental movement skills is 0 - 12 years, however you are never too old to devel- op basic movement skills. Being physically literate, you have the skills DQG FRQȴGHQFH QHHGHG WR EH SK\VLFDOO\ DFWLYH :KHWKHU \RXU JRDO LV WR engage in regular physical activity, join a sports team or league or devel- op habits to be physically active for life. Physical Literacy at Courtenay Recreation

Lewis Centre Gym $130/13

Look for this symbol throughout Courtenay Rec pages for programs that incorporate Physical Literacy.


Examples of skills developed through Physical Literacy: BODY CONTROL agility, balance, coordination, speed, rhythm, and more LOCOMOTOR running, jumping, swimming, wheeling, skating and more OBJECT CONTROL sending, receiving, dribbling, striking, kicking and more


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