Courtenay Recreation pages Spring 2020.pdf


GIRLS GYMNASTICS (8 years & over) Separate girls classes allow for dynamic energy to be channeled in creative ways. Learn the basics, then develop your skills, strength and stamina on a variety of appa- ratus. #5443 Tuesdays 0DUFK -XQH SP Saturdays $SULO -XQH SP GIRLS PRE ADVANCED (8 years & over) Athletes progress into these pro- grams once base skills are strong and when you are physically and mentally ready to advance. We UHFRPPHQG FODVVHV SHU ZHHN to develop and maintain your skill OHYHO 0XVW KDYH EHHQ SUHYLRXVO\ assessed or have received a gold- en ticket. #5444 Tuesdays 0DUFK -XQH SP Saturdays $SULO -XQH SP Athletes progress into this pro- gram once base skills are strong and when you are physically and mentally ready to advance. #5402 Tuesdays 0DUFK -XQH SP Saturdays $SULO -XQH SP GIRLS ADVANCED (8 years & over)

%RWK ER\V DQG JLUOV ZLOO HQMR\ WKH VSRUW RI *\PQDVWLFV IRU IXQ DQG ȴW- QHVV .QRZOHGJHDEOH SOD\IXO VNLOOHG DQG IULHQGO\ RXU TXDOLȴHG LQVWUXF- tors will connect you to a lifetime love of learning and physical activity. Each class includes a thorough warm-up, time spent on gymnastics skills, technique and knowledge and a concluding activity according to gymnastics level. Our gymnastics programs follow CanGym curriculum from which report cards are created. New students are evaluated for WKHLU VWDUWLQJ OHYHO GXULQJ WKH ȴUVW WZR ZHHNV 0XVW EH LQ NLQGHUJDUWHQ Please return previous report cards. No classes April 11 and May 16.

7XHVGD\V 6DWXUGD\V %RWK GD\V Lewis Centre Gym

BOYS GYMNASTICS (8 years & over)

Separate boys classes allow for dynamic energy to be channeled in creative ways. Learn the basics, then develop your skills, strength and stamina on a variety of appa- ratus. #5442 Tuesdays 0DUFK -XQH SP Saturdays $SULO -XQH SP 0XVW KDYH EHHQ SUHYLRXVO\ DV- sessed or received golden ticket. #5416 Tuesdays 0DUFK -XQH SP Saturdays $SULO -XQH SP BOYS ADVANCED (8 years & over)

GYMNASTICS ASSESSMENT (8 - 14 years) Open to students with previous gymnastics experience attempting to get into advanced or pre-ad- vanced levels. Saturdays Starting April 4 Lewis Centre Gym Free - please register GIRLS & BOYS MIXED GYMNASTICS (5 - 7 years) #5417 Tuesdays 0DUFK -XQH SP Saturdays $SULO -XQH DP


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