Courtenay Recreation pages Spring 2020.pdf
BUDDING BALLERINAS (5 - 7 years) Ballet provides the foundation for all forms of dance and helps your physical development. You’ll enjoy this fun, light introduction to ballet and learn position, steps and PRYHPHQW WKURXJK ȵRRU H[HUFLV- es, dance steps, mime and musical interpretation. Instructor: 0DJL 6FKRɝHOG 5HLG #5350 Wednesdays April 22 - June 24 3:30 - 4:30 pm /HZLV $FWLYLW\ 5RRP $ $80/10 #5066 4:00 - 5:00 pm 5 - 7 years #5067 5:00 - 6:00 pm 8 - 11 years /HZLV 7VROXP %XLOGLQJ $144/12 FAMILY PAINT NIGHT 7KLV IDPLO\ GURS LQ SURJUDP IHDWXUHV D GLHUHQW DUW SURMHFW each week that is adaptable for all ages and skill levels. Get the whole gang together and spend some ‘non-screen’ time creating family memories in a fun recreational environment. #5343 7KXUVGD\V April 23 - June 4 6:00 - 7:00 pm /HZLV &UDIW 5RRP $ )5(( PIANO ADVENTURES (5 - 11 years) Music Makes your brain work better! Here’s your chance to learn your favourite songs. Small group classes study the basics of music, then you can choose more! Books FRVW DW WKH ȴUVW OHVVRQ 7KLV class is suitable for beginners. A piano or keyboard is recommend- ed for practicing at home. Instructor: 'HEELH 5RVV Wednesdays April 1 - June 17
DRAWING & PAINTING: BACK TO BASICS 1 (8 - 13 years) Practice basic drawing & painting techniques through a variety of GLHUHQW H[HUFLVHV ZLWK 'LVQH\ &DUWRRQLVW 'DYLG 7KUDVKHU 8VH bold & beautiful colours to draw imaginative one-of-a-kind projects with success! Learn quick and easy techniques to draw something QHZ DQG GLHUHQW HDFK ZHHN No class May 16. Instructor: 'DYLG 7KUDVKHU #5515 Saturdays April 18 - June 13 10:00 - 11:00 am /HZLV &UDIW 5RRP % $75/8 DRAWING & PAINTING: BACK TO BASICS: 2 (10 - 16 years) Want to keep developing your skills? Check out this class! You ZLOO H[SORUH ȴJXUH SHUVSHFWLYH illustration, comic strip, anthropo- PRUSKLVP DQLPDWLRQ ȵLS ERRNV grid drawing and still life. No class May 18. Instructor: 'DYLG 7KUDVKHU #5516 Mondays April 20 - June 15 4:00 - 5:00 pm /HZLV 0HHWLQJ 5RRP $75/8
HOME SENSE & SAFETY (9 - 12 years) Create a safe environment when you are home alone. Learn about meal and snack prep, house- hold and pet safety, dealing with strangers, making emergency calls, and more.
#5063 Saturday April 25 #5064 Saturday May 30 #5065 Saturday June 13 1:00 - 3:30 pm
ST. JOHN AMBULANCE BABYSITTING BASICS (11 - 18 years) 7KLV FRXUVH WHDFKHV \RXQJ SHRSOH how to care for children and in- IDQWV ZKLOH EDE\VLWWLQJ 7KH FRXUVH enhances awareness and safety by teaching responsible babysitting, and helping to develop skills to cope with common emergencies. 7RSLFV LQFOXGH FDULQJ IRU NLGV NLGV and food, getting along with kids, kids and play, keeping kids safe, KDQGOLQJ HPHUJHQFLHV DQG ȴUVW DLG Instructor: St John Ambulance
#5060 Saturday April 18 #5061 Saturday May 9 #5062 Saturday June 27 9:00 am - 4:30 pm
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| 250-338-5371 | 250-338-1000 |
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