Courtenay Rec pages
Active Adventures
SOCCER STARS (3 - 5 years)
PRESCHOOL ACRO (3 - 5 years) Build confidence and gain awareness. Acro is a balance of dance and gymnastics, it provides children with a great starting point to increase flex ibility, strength and versatility! Instructor: Leigha Wald #13028 Mondays January 15 - February 12 2:10 - 2:55 pm Lewis Centre Gym $49/5 TODDLER YOGA (1 - 5 years with adult) Introduce your little ones to yoga early! This fun class includes breathing practices, songs, stretches, silly wiggles, and ani mal sounds. We try to keep our expectations low on how many yoga poses the little ones actually do and focus on having fun. While the class is geared towards kids aged 18 months - 5, parents are welcome to join in the stretches too. Instructor: Kelly Yaskiw #13057 Fridays January 12 - March 15 9:00 - 9:45 am Lewis Meeting Room $80/10
SPORTS BLAST (3 - 5 years)
Run, kick, pass, shoot, dribble and practice skill based games as we introduce you to basic soc cer skills. Learn how fun it is to be part of a team as you develop your listening skills, physical co-ordination, teamwork and fitness. Parent participation as needed. Saturdays #12818 January 13 - February 10 #12819 February 24 - March 16 9:00 - 9:45 am Lewis Centre Gym $35/5 Mondays #13064 January 15 - February 5 #13065 February 12 - March 11 10:30 - 11:15 am Lewis MP Hall $30/4
Come play with us! In this pro gram the focus is FUN. You and your child will work on a vari ety of skills while learning new games and sports each week and make new friends. Parent participation as needed. Wednesdays #12816 January 17 - February 14 $35/5 #12817 February 21 - March 13 9:30 - 10:15 am Lewis Centre Gym $30/4 LI’L DANGLES HOCKEY (3 - 5 years) This program will focus on the enjoyment of the game, while teaching players the basic skills required to play. Players will play a variety of games designed to teach them how to hold the stick, make a pass, and take a shot all while having fun. For this age group, we will use foam hockey sticks and balls. #13060 Tuesdays February 6 - March 12
Please check receipts for important program information.
9:00 - 9:45 am Lewis MP Gym $40/6
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