Courtenay Rec pages

55+ CHAIR FITNESS (55 years & over) This fun, lower impact, chair based class can be done both in or out of the chair! You’ll be guided carefully through exercis es focusing on balance, mobility, range of motion, coordination, flexibility, muscle strength and relaxation. The instructor will offer modifications as needed, as well as, provide support to participants at every turn. All levels welcome! Instructor: Nancy Victoria #12743 Tuesdays January 9 - March 19 9:00 - 10:00 am Filberg Rotary Hall $105/11 #12744 Fridays January 12 - March 22 9:00 - 10:00 am Filberg Rotary Hall $105/11 ber, friend or other care part ner. The program is offered in partnership with the Alzheimer Society of B.C. Gentle exercises are followed by social activities designed to be enjoyed in pairs. Care partners must attend. Call (778) 746-2017 for more info. Instructor: Nancy Victoria Wednesdays 1:00 - 3:00 pm Native Sons Lodge & Dining Room #12749 January 10 - February 14 $75/6 #12855 March 6 - April 3 $60/5 Please check receipts for important program information. MINDS IN MOTION (50 years & over) Minds in Motion is a fitness and social program for people living with any form of early stage de mentia along with a family mem

PILATES AND MORE Enjoy this beginner to inter mediate full body strength and stretch class which uses sound pilates and core principles. Use bender balls, tubing, discs and bosu balls as Sandra takes you through a good progression. Instructor: Sandra Stessun #12894 Wednesdays January 10 - March 20 4:00 - 5:00 pm Lewis Activity Room $129/11 STANDING & MAT PILATES In this class you’ll build strength, balance and flexibility with safe exercises, improve your posture, challenge your core strength and emerge feeling fit as well as more calm after a relaxing stretch. Learn how your breath helps you achieve a great full body workout emphasizing func tional fitness. With Pilates, a little goes a long way. No experience necessary. No class February 20. #13083 Tuesdays January 9 - March 26 7:30 - 8:30 pm Lewis Activity Room $159/12

ATHLETIC BARRE Athletic Barre has no ballet or yoga moves. The barre is used for balance and posture as in the “Above Barre” classes. However, it incorporates heavier weights, tubing and that little green bender ball to ensure you are activating your core properly. Some power moves are incorpo rated but options for non-power moves will also be provided. This is an intermediate to challeng ing class that optimizes your strength. No class February 19. Instructor: Nancy Victoria #12738 Mondays January 15 - March 25 5:30 - 6:30 pm Lewis Craft Room A $129/10 MS FOR MS Movement and strength training is very important when dealing with multiple sclerosis. I will teach you strength training and cardio using the TRX, so you have the safety and stability of the TRX straps. We will also have discussion time to share our battles and victories with each other sharing the same disease. No class February 19. #13051 Mondays January 22 - March 18 1:15 - 2:15 pm Lewis Activity Room $100/8


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