Courtenay Rec pages
55+ STRENGTH TRAINING (55 years & over)
Strength training is great for anyone looking to main tain, build and improve their strength, balance and overall well-being. This Wellness Cen tre class will provide personal instruction with various strength training equipment providing a well-rounded exercise routine with personalized workouts to address your needs. Our quali fied instructor will be giving you instruction, support and guid ance throughout your sessions in a fun, non intimidating atmo sphere. No class February 19. Instructor: Juan Blancas #12727 Tuesdays & Thursdays January 9 - March 21 12:30 - 1:30 pm Lewis Wellness Centre $259/22 #12728 Tuesdays & Thursdays January 9 - March 21 2:00 - 3:00 pm Lewis Wellness Centre $259/22 #12730 Mondays & Wednesdays January 10 - March 20 12:30 - 1:30 pm Lewis Wellness Centre $235/20 #12731 Mondays & Wednesdays January 10 - March 20 2:00 - 3:00 pm Lewis Wellness Centre $264/20 #12732 Fridays January 12 - March 22 12:30 - 1:30 pm Lewis Wellness Centre $129/11 #12733 Fridays January 12 - March 22 2:00 - 3:00 pm Lewis Wellness Centre $129/11
SIMPLY STRENGTH 1 (55 years & over) Exercises will be taught with a variety of equipment to increase balance, range of motion and strength and will help you regain or maintain your ability to climb stairs, get in and out of a chair or car, and maintain your bal ance while walking and stand ing. Dynamic movements are performed with great music to improve cardiovascular perfor mance including gentle stretch ing. Participants should be able to get up and down from the floor. No class February 19. Instructor: Juan Blancas #12735 Mondays January 8 - March 18 10:30 - 11:30 am Native Sons Grand Hall $79 10 #12736 Wednesdays January 10 - March 20 10:30 - 11:30 am Native Sons Grand Hall $96/10
SIMPLY STRENGTH 2 (55 years & over) This popular class with Steve is an intermediate level class and is a step up from Simply Strength 1. It offers overall body conditioning, balance and agility, core strengthening and health and wellness education. No class February 19. Instructor: Steve Thomson #12745 Mondays & Wednesdays January 3 - March 27 9:00 - 10:00 am Native Sons Grand Hall $229/23 HIIT This class involves short and long bursts of plyometric and calisthenics targeting all body parts and giving you the most effective cardio workout in the shortest amount of time. This quick, fun and effective workout is a great way to compliment
your gym routine! #12847 Wednesdays
January 10 - March 20 12:05 - 12:55 pm Lewis Activity Room $6.50/drop-in
Look for the Evergreen symbol for 55+ classes. More information on page 90.
COURTENAY RECREATION | 250-338-5371 | 250-338-1000 |
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