Courtenay Rec pages
INTRODUCTION TO VARIOUS PRACTICES OF MEDITATION (12 years & over) Extend length of focus, be more present for your life, increase self-awareness and gain clarity and insights are a few bene fits of developing a meditation practice. Get a glimpse of what a mindfulness practice can look like for you. Julie will introduce you to a variety of styles and methods that may work for you. This workshop is designed to give you an overview of the many options and benefits of meditation and a chance to try these practices in a safe and peaceful setting. No experience required. Instructor: Julie Blais #13049 Tuesday February 13 7:15 - 8:45 pm Lewis Meeting Room $5 Are you struggling to integrate meditation into daily life? Look ing for accountability and a consistent practice? This series of classes will help you reach the next level of mindfulness practice and will support you with your meditation goals. Each class will have a guided medi tation and theme focus for the week’s practice. Some medita tion experience required. Instructor: Julie Blais #13048 Wednesdays February 21 - March 27 3:00 - 4:00 pm Lewis MP Hall $75/6
Wellness MEDITATION FOR BEGINNERS Have you wanted to try out med itation but don’t know where to start or how? Perhaps the thought of joining a class with others feels inspiring and less intimidating? In this beginner class you will be right alongside others new to meditation and start from the basics. You will learn different sitting postures and tips to avoid unnecessary pain, work with breath, calm ing your mind and your body, dealing with emotions and/or difficult situations that may have come up during the day or week and learn how to incorporate mindfulness into your daily life. This is your chance to try it out! No class February 20. #12742 Tuesdays January 23 - March 12 4:00 - 5:15 pm Lewis Meeting Room $105/8 We are combining the Spring and Summer Guides! More info on page 144.
4 ESSENTIALS: MEDITATION INTRODUCTION FOR BEGINNERS (12 years & over) Learning the essentials to es tablish your meditation practice in a secular environment. You will be introduced to postures, using breath, body and sounds as an anchor and working with thoughts and emotions. These meditation principles applied on a regular basis lead to decreased stress, being more present, fo cused, happier and peaceful. Instructor: Julie Blais #13050 Tuesdays February 20 - March 26 6:00 - 7:30 pm Lewis Craft Room B $89/6
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COURTENAY RECREATION | 250-338-5371 | 250-338-1000 |
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