Courtenay Rec pages

CIRCLE DANCE Come learn traditional folk, modern and meditative songs and dances from around the world. Beautiful, dreamy dances to fun (and funny) dances. Most are done in a circle connected by hands, but can be modify for those who wish to do so, as we create a circle of laughter and healing. No dance experience necessary and two left feet are most welcome! Instructor: Laura Forgie #12900 Thursday February 8 6:00 - 8:00 pm Filberg Conference Hall $19 LINE DANCE PARTY Line dancing isn’t just country anymore! Learn fun and easy line dances to a mix of dance tunes that will have you burning calories and having loads of fun! A great workout for the body and the brain, line dancing lifts your spirits and puts a smile on your face. ‘Life’s Too Short Not to Dance’. No class February 19. #12904 Mondays January 8 - March 25 7:00 - 8:15 pm location $99/11 FUN FOR ALL! LINE DANCE SOCIAL Join us for a monthly afternoon of dancing, socializing and sharing. This is an opportunity to perfect the dances we’ve been learning and to come together to share the dances of our line dance community. Open to all levels and anyone who loves line dancing. Hosted by instruc tors Darlene Birtwistle and Joan Wydenes. Must pre-register. #13144 Saturday February 24 #13145 Saturday March 23 1:00 - 3:00 pm

Dance & Music BEGINNER BELLY DANCE Come have fun learning belly dance and discovering your inner Sheherazade! We will cover


Come and kick up your heels and dance the afternoon away! Line dancing is a great way to keep your brain and your body active! No partners required. Instructor: Joan Wydenes #12902 Wednesdays January 10 - March 27 1:00 - 2:00 pm Lewis Activity Room $109/12 LINE DANCE - INTERMEDIATE Come and kick up your heels and dance the afternoon away! Line dancing is a great way to keep your brain and your body active! No partners required. No class February 20 . Instructor: Joan Wydenes #12903 Tuesdays January 9 - March 26 12:00 - 1:00 pm Native Sons Grand Hall $99/11

the basic moves, rhythms and veils. No class February 19 . Instructor: Laura Forgie #12768 Mondays January 8 - March 11 6:45 - 7:45 pm Native Sons Grand Hall $79/8 INTERMEDIATE BELLY DANCE Let’s build on the foundations of the beginner class to add some new techniques and moves! We will explore new drum rhythms, costuming, veil work, and a short choreography that will pull ev erything together. As always, the main goal is to have FUN!! No class February 19. Instructor: Laura Forgie #12767 Mondays January 8 - March 11 5:30 - 6:30 pm Native Sons Grand Hall $79/8


see page 83 for Zumba, Dancefit Silver & other drop-in programs

Bill Moore Lawn Bowling Building $5/class

COURTENAY RECREATION | 250-338-5371 | 250-338-1000 |


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