Courtenay Rec pages

HOMESCHOOLER REC (8 years & over) Homeschooler Rec offers you a special pre-registered timeslot to be active and creative. Join us for skatepark power hour, special crafts, game tourneys and fun activities! Drop-ins welcome. #12980 Wednesdays January 10 - March 13 1:00 - 3:00 pm LINC Youth Centre $22/10 $2.50/drop-in Special Interest

MIXED MEDIA MAYHEM (11 - 16 years) Get ready to explore your

4 ESSENTIALS: MEDITATION INTRODUCTION FOR BEGINNERS (12 years & over) Learning the essentials to es tablish your meditation practice in a secular environment. You will be introduced to postures, using breath, body and sounds as an anchor and working with thoughts and emotions. These meditation principles applied on a regular basis lead to decreased stress, being more present, fo cused, happier and peaceful. Instructor: Julie Blais #13050 Tuesdays February 20 - March 26 6:00 - 7:30 pm Lewis Craft Room B $89/6

creative side. Each week you’ll learn about a different medium - acrylic and watercolour paint, collaging, charcoal, chalk, and more! Then practice your new skills as you create cool projects. #130703 Mondays January 8 - February 5 4:00 - 5:30 pm LINC Multipurpose Room $80/5 WINTER ADVENTURES (11 - 16 years) Winter doesn’t need to be boring! Get out of the house and join us for some fun Saturday activities! Activities are tentative and sub ject to change. Saturdays #13074 February 10 Snowshoeing #13075 February 24 Tubing #13076 March 9 Mystery Adventure 10:30 am - 2:30 pm $50/day

GNARLY LITTLE CHRISTMAS CRAFT FAIR (9 - 19 years) Be a part of Courtenay’s biggest youth craft market and make ex tra cash this Christmas showcas ing your talents! Painting, photog raphy, jewelry, art-cards, crafts, baking and more are all welcome in our 15th annual ‘just-for-youth’ craft fair. #12553 Sunday December 3 11:00 am - 3:00 pm Native Sons Grand Hall $10/table

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