Courtenay Rec pages

CRAFTY KITCHEN (6 - 8 years)

KINDER KITCHEN (k - 7 years) Welcome to Kinder Kitchen, where you’ll learn all about kitch en safety and how to prepare yummy snacks with new friends. This program is geared towards our young friends who are new to experiencing social learning environments. We will bake and cook up some easy and tasty recipes, try a few new crafts and take home your very own cook book at the end! Roll up your sleeves and get ready to play! #12944 Thursdays February 22 - March 14 3:15 - 4:45 pm Lewis Craft Room A $49/4


Tantalize your taste buds and satisfy your imagination as you create savory dishes and imag inative crafts. At the end of the course you will bring home a book of tasty recipes and cre ative craft creations. #12683 Wednesdays January 17 - February 21 3:30 - 5:00 pm Lewis Craft Room A $99/6 GLOBAL COOKING (9 - 12 years) Go around the world with your taste buds as you learn to create delicious foods from a different country each week! Crafts, ac tivities and scrumptious dishes await you, as you explore differ ent cultures, spices and ingredi ents, young traveler! #12685 Saturdays January 27 - March 9 2:00 - 3:30 pm Lewis Craft Room A $115/7 Sometimes all you need is a quick, delicious snack! During Snack Attack, we’ll learn how to prepare a variety of yummy snacks while we play games and laugh with new friends. From Ants on a Log to zucchini muf fins, with Lego and crafts, you will leave each class with a smile and a happy belly! #12701 Tuesdays February 6 - March 12 3:15 - 4:45 pm Lewis Craft Room A $99/6 Please check receipts for important program information. SNACK ATTACK (6 - 9 years)

Build your confidence in the kitchen as you learn to follow recipes, knife skills, and how ingredients interact to create delicious dishes. Now with a scientific twist! We’ll learn about the science behind the art of baking and kitchen creations. This class is sure to spark your culinary creativity, and make you the best cook in town! #12943 Thursdays February 15 - March 14 5:45 - 7:15 pm Lewis Craft Room A $85/5 Puzzles, crafts and challeng es await you in this small but mighty program! Each week par ticipants will engage in a group quest to achieve a creative task. Where will this adventure take you? #12705 Thursdays January 11 - February 15 3:15 - 4:45 pm Lewis Craft Room A $75/6 KINDER QUEST (k - 7 years)




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