Courtenay Rec pages
BELLYFIT (20 - 65 years)
Bellyfit® classes are intelligently designed to make you feel like the Goddess you are ~ body, mind and Spirit! We’ll enjoy 30 minutes of fabulous dance inspired cardio moves, followed by floor work for 30 minutes of Pilates inspired core work and a relaxing Yoga inspired stretch to end the class! A holistic approach to fitness using dance, yoga and meditation. Instructor: Emily Johnston #10212 Wednesdays July 6 - August 31 6:30 - 7:30 pm Lewis Activity Room $180/9 CHAIR YOGA For those who cannot get up and down from the floor easily. There’s still a lot of Yoga that can be done in a chair. Special breathing prac- tices, gentle joint movements, and muscle strengthening will all take place in this fun class. We also do poses while standing, using the chair for support. Instructor: Catherine Reid #9953 Tuesdays July 5 - August 16 11:00 am - 12:00 pm Native Sons Grand Hall $77/7 QI GONG Qi Gong is an ancient healing art that combines flowing move - ments and breath aiding in overall health. The movements come from the core and expand through the motions helping to increase muscle strength, flexibility and a sense of well-being. No class August 1. Instructor: Keith Beldam #10242 Mondays July 11 - August 22 6:00 - 7:00 pm Lewis Centre Gymnasium $60/6
ZUMBA TONING Zumba® Toning combines tar- geted body-sculpting exercises and high-energy cardio work with Latin-infused Zumba® moves to create a calorie-torching, strength-training dance fitness party. Using Zumba® toning sticks or light weight dumbbells, you’ll work every muscle group while you groove! No class August 1. Instructor: Milena Spratt #9942 Mondays July 4 - August 29 5:30 - 6:30 pm Lewis Activity Room $6.50/Drop-in ZUMBA W/ STACIE Join Stacie for a medium to high intensity Latin inspired dance fitness class guaranteed to make you sweat! One hour will fly by as you experience dance styles around the world including Reg- gaeton, Hip hop, Afrobeat, Salsa and much more! No class July 26 & August 2. Instructor: Stacie Cleveland #10106 Tuesdays July 5 - August 30 6:15 - 7:15 pm Lewis Activity Room $6.50/Drop-in Movement
ZUMBA W/ MILENA This Latin infused dance class will burn tons of calories. You will shimmy, shake, and pump your chest in this one-hour fun class where you will work hard and smile your way through. You’ll ex- perience Bollywood, Belly Dance, Meringue, Salsa, Reggaeton, and more!! Instructor: Milena Spratt #9941 Wednesdays July 6 - August 31 9:00 - 10:00 am Lewis Activity Room $6.50/Drop-in CHAIR FIT A safe exercise program designed for the older exerciser or those with physical limitations that make traditional exercising difficult. Classes will incorporate upper and lower body movements, with exercised that are done in and out of the chairs – with no floor work. Instructor: Wendie Matte #9357 Tuesdays July 5 - 26 #9358 Fridays July 8 - 29 9:00 - 10:00 am Filberg Rotary Hall $6.50/Drop-in
COURTENAY RECREATION | 250-338-5371 | 250-338-1000 |
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