Courtenay Rec pages

Outdoor Pursuits


LEARN TO HIT THE BALL Looking to start playing the game of golf, while meeting others who are looking to do the same? Come enjoy 6 weeks with us learning what you need in order to get started. These lessons will cover 6 sessions on the driving range and one 9-hole session at The Park. These sessions will be used to help you learn the fundamen- tals to a good golf swing (stance, posture, grip, and contact). We will get together once a week to gain an understanding of what creates good contact and how that can help us hit the ball better. At the end of the sessions we will take what we have practiced out onto the golf course. These classes will be restricted to a maximum of 6 players and all Covid safety pre- cautions will be met. Instructor: Brian Wise #6969 Wednesdays June 30 - August 11 10:30 - 11:30 am Crown Isle Golf Club

INTRO TO NORDIC POLE WALKING (55 years & over) Learn the correct Nordic pole walking technique, the difference between Nordic poles and other walking poles, and why Nordic pole walking is such an effective fitness activity for you. You burn 46% more calories over walking without poles, use 90% of your body muscles, improve your en- durance, cardio, posture, balance, and much more. Please provide your own nordic poles for class. Instructor: Catherine Egan #6972 Fridays July 9 - August 13 NORDIC POLE WALKING LEVEL 2 (55 years & over) Are you a runner or hiker with sore knees, physically active and looking for a low impact outdoor fitness sport - why not try Nordic pole walking? Nordic pole walking is a total body workout for cardio, strength and flexibility. The focus in this class is fitness training with Nordic poles using different terrains and elevation in our local parks. Please bring your own nor- dic poles for use in class. Instructor: Catherine Egan #6974 Fridays July 9 - August 13 12:30 - 1:30 pm Lewis Wellness Centre Outside Entrance $60/6 Look for this symbol throughout Courtenay Rec pages for programs that incorporate Physical Literacy. 11:00 am - 12:00 pm Lewis Wellness Centre Outside Entrance $60/6


Golf is a great game to learn and make friends. These coaching ses- sions will cover four aspects of the game of golf; putting, chipping, iron play and driving. We will cover the basics to help you get started and enjoy playing. Once the clinics are finished, we will head to The Park and play 9 holes, that way you can receive some real coach- ing on the golf course. This course is a stepping stone to help you make new friends and get into the game. Instructor: Brian Wise #6968 Wednesdays

June 30 - July 28 9:00 - 10:00 am Crown Isle Golf Club

& Friday July 30 5:00 - 8:00 pm The Park $150/5

Crown Isle Golf Club follows all COVID-19 related health guidelines. Updates & further information can be found at

& Friday July 30 5:00 - 8:00 pm The Park $175/7



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