Courtenay Rec pages with community groups
PICKLEBALL (16 years & over) Join in and have fun playing this exciting paddle game! Like a mini tennis game, Pickleball is played by 2 or 4 people on a badminton sized court using wood paddle racquets and a plastic style baseball. Spot must be pre-reserved as location is offsite. Registration can be done via phone, in person or online. All levels welcome. #11609 Tuesdays April 4 - May 16 #11608 Thursdays
INTRO TO NORDIC POLE WALKING (55 years & over) Learn the correct Nordic pole walking technique, the differ ence between Nordic poles and other walking poles, and why Nordic pole walking is such an effective fitness activity for you - including you burn 46% more calories over walking without poles, use 90% of your body muscles, it improves your endurance, cardio, posture, balance, and much more. Instructor: Catherine Egan #11612 Fridays April 28 - June 2 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
INTERMEDIATE VOLLEYBALL This program is for the inter mediate player and focuses more on giving players the skills, mindset and knowledge to play competitively, plus helps to develop existing skills such as serving, hitting, passing and setting. Players should have previous Volleyball experience. #11674 Thursdays April 20 - June 8 7:45 - 8:45 pm Lewis Centre MP Hall $64/8 Improve your skills (or learn new ones), meet friends and learn all the basics of how to play Volleyball! This intro to Volleyball will show you how to bump, pass, spike, review posi tioning and prepare you to feel confident in your abilities and perhaps join a league! #11673 Thursdays April 20 - June 8 6:30 - 7:30 pm Lewis Centre MP Hall $64/8 improve your game in this fast paced sport! Bring your own racquets, birdies are provided. Participants set up equipment. #11606 Wednesdays April 12 - June 21 1:00 - 3:00 pm #11607 Fridays April 14 - June 23 1:30 - 3:30 pm Lewis Centre Gym $4/Drop-in BADMINTON (16 years & over) Drop-in and get some exercise with our recreational Badmin ton. Meet new players and
April 6 - May 18 1:15 - 3:15 pm
Native Sons Grand Hall $4/ pre-registered drop-in
Wellness Centre Outside Entrance $72/6
Are you a runner or hiker with sore knees, physically active and looking for a low impact outdoor fitness sport - why not try Nordic pole walking? Nor dic pole walking is a total body workout for cardio, strength and flexibility. The focus in this class is fitness training with Nordic poles using different terrains and elevation in our local parks. Instructor: Catherine Egan #11611 Fridays
April 28 - June 2 12:30 - 1:30 pm Wellness Centre Outside Entrance $72/6
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