Courtenay Rec pages with community groups
PIANO - BEGINNERS (55 years & over) Music makes your brain work better! Here’s your chance to learn your favourite songs. These small group classes study the basics of music, then choose more! The first book costs $35 and a piano or keyboard is recommended for practicing at home. Instructor: Debbie Ross #11383 Wednesdays
The harmonica is a versatile instrument that can be heard in music ranging from folk and country to jazz and rock, but the harmonica is truly at home with the blues. No previous musical experience is necessary. Please
Learn to strum along to some of your favourite songs. This easy beginner course will teach you chord and rhythm basics -
all you need is a guitar! Instructor: Larry Ayre #11680 Mondays April 17 - May 15 7:15 - 8:30 pm Native Sons Hall Dining Room $65/5
bring a ‘c’ harmonica. Instructor: Larry Ayre #11679 Mondays April 17 - May 15 6:00 - 7:00 pm Native Sons Hall Dining Room $65/5
April 12 - June 21 12:30 - 1:30 pm Lewis Craft Room B $192/11
PIANO - BEYOND BEGINNERS (55 years & over)
Celebrate National Volunteer Week April 16 - 22, 2023!
Are you looking to continue to improve your piano skills? These small group classes are for participants with some experience that would like to study the basics of music and grow their skills! The first book is $35 and a piano or keyboard is recommended for practicing at home. Instructor: Debbie Ross #11384 Wednesdays April 12 - June 21 2:00 - 3:00 pm Lewis Craft Room B $192/11 RecreationAccess Apply for discounts that provide healthy lifestyle opportunities to residents of the City of Courtenay who live below Statistics Canada low income thresholds. Ask us how to apply!
Mental and Emotional Benefits of Volunteering Connects You With Other People Creates Opportunities for New Friends and Skills Creates Community Connection & a Sense of Belonging Scientifically proven to aid in stress reduction Boost happiness and Self Esteem Encourages life long learning! Physical Benefits
Increases Dopamine & Serotonin—These feel good brain chemicals are involved in happiness, satisfaction and emotional regulation. Be cause of volunteering’s potential to increase levels of these chemicals in the brain, it is suggested that volunteering can be a contributing factor in reducing symptoms of depression. Encourages Physical Activity- Whether you’re helping with a communi ty clean up, or in a children’s Rec Program, volunteering can keep you moving! Lowered Blood Pressure & Promotes Heart Health—Studies show that those who volunteer have significantly lower risk of high blood pressure.
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