Courtenay Rec pages with community groups
SUPER HERO SCIENCE (5 - 8 years) Explore the science of your fa vourite superheroes. Experiment with potions, design capes, go on quests and turn make believe into reality. Become a science superhe ro as you turn sci-fi in to sci-fact. Please wear clothes okay to get messy in! #11549 Fridays April 21 - May 19 3:45 - 5:15 pm Lewis Craft Room A $75/5 BRICK QUEST (5 - 8 years) Calling all Master Builders! Do you enjoy using your hands to solve challenges and figure out how things work? Then you will love this program where you will be tasked with solving a variety of engineering and design problems with Lego. #11715 Saturdays 1:00 - 2:30 pm May 27 - June 17 Lewis Craft Room A $49/4 VOLUNTEER INFORMATION & GAMES NIGHT (12 years & over) It’s National Volunteer Apprecia tion Week! Join us for an evening of games, socializing and appreci ation for our amazing volunteers. We will provide snacks, fun and information on how you can get involved with your community through volunteering! This event is open to current and prospective volunteers. #11746 Wednesday April 19
Special Interest ECO HEROES (6 - 9 years) Calling all Heroes and young envi ronmental stewards! We need you to join our team as we explore the natural wonders around us and learn about it all from big to small.
MAD SCIENTISTS (7 - 11 years)
Gather your beakers and safety goggles, it’s about to get crazy as we explore the world of the Mad Scientist! Chemical reactions from the kitchen, magnets, circuits, it’s all part of this wild and fun science
We’ll create super tools, learn about ant’s super strength and become Eco Super Heroes! #11548 Thursdays May 18 - June 15 4:00 - 5:30 pm Lewis Salish Building $75/5 JEDI TRAINING (6 - 9 years) The resistance is calling! There is no need to send your little Pad awan to a galaxy far, far away. Build an X-Wing, design your own light saber, and make galaxy slime all while you prepare to face the First Order one last time. Enjoy this class you will. #11547 Tuesdays May 23 - June 20 4:00 - 5:30 pm Lewis Craft Room B $75/5
based program! #11366 Tuesdays
April 18 - May 16 3:30 - 5:00 pm Lewis Craft Room A $75/5
SKILL BUILDER (6 - 10 years) Join us each week a we learn important skills you can take with you wherever you go! We’ll ex plore cooking, sewing and more as we have fun and make friends! #11546 Thursdays April 20 - May 18 3:30 - 5:00 pm Lewis Craft Room A $75/5
5:30 - 7:30 pm LINC MP Room FREE
COURTENAY RECREATION | 250-338-5371 | 250-338-1000 |
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