Courtenay Rec pages.pdf
Low Cost Recreation
LEAP - Leisure for Everyone Accessibility Program
New Discoveries Parent & Child Learning Centre Discover programs for parents and children: Home with a Heart, Boundaries and Triple P, Little Chef, Messy Art and Drop-in Lunch and Craft. Call 250-338-6200 for info. Prenatal Classes )5(( SUHQDWDO FODVVHV DUH DYDLODEOH DW 3XEOLF Health to pregnant women and their support people. Register at 250-331-8520 as soon as \RX NQRZ \RX DUH SUHJQDQW )RU LQIR RU WR UHJLVWHU ZLWK 3XEOLF +HDOWKȇV 5LJKW IURP WKH Start program go to . KidSport™ &RPR[ 9DOOH\ .LG6SRUW SURYLGHV VXSSRUW WR FKLOGUHQ WR UHPRYH WKH ȴQDQFLDO EDUULHUV RI SOD\LQJ RUJDQL]HG VSRUWV )RU application forms and guidelines visit: phone 250-334-9294 Canadian Tire JumpStart 3DUHQWV LQ ȴQDQFLDO QHHG ORRNLQJ WR JHW WKHLU NLGV LQYROYHG LQ SK\VLFDO DFWLYLW\ SURJUDPV DUH HQFRXUDJHG WR DVN DERXW IXQGLQJ DVVLVWDQFH )XQGLQJ PD\ RVHW UHJLVWUDWLRQ IHHV HTXLS ment, and transportation costs. Traditional Scouting ZLOO WDNH \RXU IDPLO\ RXWGRRUV +LNLQJ .QRWV &LWL]HQVKLS 1DWXUH /RUH &DPSȴUHV $QG PRUH $55/year registration Otters (5 - 8 yrs) - Tuesdays 7LPEHUZROYHV \UV :HGQHVGD\V 19 Seal Bay Traditional Scouting Group Mission Hill/Seal Bay Area EDUENHQQH\ #JPDLO FRP 250-941-8874
189 Port Augusta Sea Cadets (12 - 18 years) Learn Leadership, Citizenship, Communications, Sailing, Seamanship, Boat 2SHUDWRU 5RSH ZRUN 0DUNVPDQVKLS )LUVW $LG Sporting Activities, Band, Marching Drills, and more (in partnership with Navy League of Can DGD DQG '1' )0Ζ 3RUW$XJXVWD #RXWORRN com or or 250-207-2709 ZZZ VZD\ FORXG PLFURVRIW IEY0L9;5Ζ\0; 0="UHI /LQN Village of Cumberland FAIR Program 7KH )$Ζ5 SURJUDP RHUV TXDOLI\LQJ 9LOODJH RI &XPEHUODQG UHVLGHQWV D FUHGLW RI SHU FDOHQGDU \HDU WKDW FDQ EH XVHG WRZDUG D discount on registered programs. Successful DSSOLFDQWV DOVR TXDOLI\ IRU WKH /($3 SURJUDP For details, call 250-336-2231 or visit ZZZ FXPEHUODQG FD UHF ȴQDQFLDO DVVLVWDQFH . We provide healthy lifestyle opportunities to residents of the City of Courtenay who live EHORZ 6WDWLVWLFV &DQDGD ORZ LQFRPH WKUHVKROGV +RZ WR DSSO\" 5HFUHDWLRQ $FFHVV DSSOLFDWLRQ IRUPV DUH DYDLODEOH DW . For more information call 250-338-5371 or 250-338-1000 Town of Comox TRIP (Town of Comox Recreation Inclusion Program) Low cost recreation opportunities are avail DEOH IRU &RPR[ UHVLGHQWV RQ OLPLWHG LQFRPH $SSOLFDWLRQ IRUPV DUH DYDLODEOH DW FRPR[ FD DFFHVVLEOH UHF RU FDOO WKH &RPPXQLW\ &HQWUH DW IRU PRUH LQIRUPDWLRQ 4XDOLȴHG applicants receive $425/per year towards a GLVFRXQW RQ HOLJLEOH SURJUDPV DQG )LWQHVV 6WXGLR PHPEHUVKLSV Local recreation departments provide free and discounted services for low-income individuals/ families. This includes a free 52-punch card for HDFK PXQLFLSDOLW\ȇV GURS LQ SURJUDPV IRU HDFK IDPLO\ PHPEHU DQG D VXEVLG\ SHU IDPLO\ PHPEHU WKDW FDQ EH XVHG WRZDUGV WKH FRVW RI UHJLVWHUHG &95' UHFUHDWLRQ SURJUDP DW WKH &95' 6SRUWV DQG $TXDWLF &HQWUHV City of Courtenay Recreation Access Program
If you would like to promote or change your free/low cost service, please call 250-338-5371 and refer to this page!
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