Courtenay Rec pages.pdf

Low Cost Recreation

LEAP - Leisure for Everyone Accessibility Program

New Discoveries Parent & Child Learning Centre Discover programs for parents and children: Home with a Heart, Boundaries and Triple P, Little Chef, Messy Art and Drop-in Lunch and Craft. Call 250-338-6200 for info. Prenatal Classes )5(( SUHQDWDO FODVVHV DUH DYDLODEOH DW 3XEOLF Health to pregnant women and their support people. Register at 250-331-8520 as soon as \RX NQRZ \RX DUH SUHJQDQW )RU LQIR RU WR UHJLVWHU ZLWK 3XEOLF +HDOWKȇV 5LJKW IURP WKH Start program go to . KidSport™ &RPR[ 9DOOH\ .LG6SRUW SURYLGHV VXSSRUW WR FKLOGUHQ WR UHPRYH WKH ȴQDQFLDO EDUULHUV RI SOD\LQJ RUJDQL]HG VSRUWV )RU application forms and guidelines visit: phone 250-334-9294 Canadian Tire JumpStart 3DUHQWV LQ ȴQDQFLDO QHHG ORRNLQJ WR JHW WKHLU NLGV LQYROYHG LQ SK\VLFDO DFWLYLW\ SURJUDPV DUH HQFRXUDJHG WR DVN DERXW IXQGLQJ DVVLVWDQFH )XQGLQJ PD\ R΍VHW UHJLVWUDWLRQ IHHV HTXLS ment, and transportation costs. Traditional Scouting ZLOO WDNH \RXU IDPLO\ RXWGRRUV +LNLQJ .QRWV &LWL]HQVKLS 1DWXUH /RUH &DPSȴUHV $QG PRUH $55/year registration Otters (5 - 8 yrs) - Tuesdays 7LPEHUZROYHV \UV :HGQHVGD\V 19 Seal Bay Traditional Scouting Group Mission Hill/Seal Bay Area EDUENHQQH\ #JPDLO FRP 250-941-8874

189 Port Augusta Sea Cadets (12 - 18 years) Learn Leadership, Citizenship, Communications, Sailing, Seamanship, Boat 2SHUDWRU 5RSH ZRUN 0DUNVPDQVKLS )LUVW $LG Sporting Activities, Band, Marching Drills, and more (in partnership with Navy League of Can DGD DQG '1' )0Ζ 3RUW$XJXVWD #RXWORRN com or or 250-207-2709 ZZZ VZD\ FORXG PLFURVRIW IEY0L9;5Ζ\0; 0="UHI /LQN Village of Cumberland FAIR Program 7KH )$Ζ5 SURJUDP R΍HUV TXDOLI\LQJ 9LOODJH RI &XPEHUODQG UHVLGHQWV D FUHGLW RI SHU FDOHQGDU \HDU WKDW FDQ EH XVHG WRZDUG D discount on registered programs. Successful DSSOLFDQWV DOVR TXDOLI\ IRU WKH /($3 SURJUDP For details, call 250-336-2231 or visit ZZZ FXPEHUODQG FD UHF ȴQDQFLDO DVVLVWDQFH . We provide healthy lifestyle opportunities to residents of the City of Courtenay who live EHORZ 6WDWLVWLFV &DQDGD ORZ LQFRPH WKUHVKROGV +RZ WR DSSO\" 5HFUHDWLRQ $FFHVV DSSOLFDWLRQ IRUPV DUH DYDLODEOH DW . For more information call 250-338-5371 or 250-338-1000 Town of Comox TRIP (Town of Comox Recreation Inclusion Program) Low cost recreation opportunities are avail DEOH IRU &RPR[ UHVLGHQWV RQ OLPLWHG LQFRPH $SSOLFDWLRQ IRUPV DUH DYDLODEOH DW FRPR[ FD DFFHVVLEOH UHF RU FDOO WKH &RPPXQLW\ &HQWUH DW IRU PRUH LQIRUPDWLRQ 4XDOLȴHG applicants receive $425/per year towards a GLVFRXQW RQ HOLJLEOH SURJUDPV DQG )LWQHVV 6WXGLR PHPEHUVKLSV Local recreation departments provide free and discounted services for low-income individuals/ families. This includes a free 52-punch card for HDFK PXQLFLSDOLW\ȇV GURS LQ SURJUDPV IRU HDFK IDPLO\ PHPEHU DQG D VXEVLG\ SHU IDPLO\ PHPEHU WKDW FDQ EH XVHG WRZDUGV WKH FRVW RI UHJLVWHUHG &95' UHFUHDWLRQ SURJUDP DW WKH &95' 6SRUWV DQG $TXDWLF &HQWUHV City of Courtenay Recreation Access Program

If you would like to promote or change your free/low cost service, please call 250-338-5371 and refer to this page!


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