Courtenay Rec pages.pdf
Mile of Flowers Happening Soon Volunteers needed for community planting event! Come out and join the biggest planting event in Courtenay! The Mile of Flowers is marking \HDUV RI ȴOOLQJ &OLH $YHQXH boulevards with colourful blooms on Tuesday, May 27. The Plant-in starts at 5 p.m. and goes until around 7 p.m. Volunteers from the community DUH LQYLWHG WR ȴOO WKH JDUGHQ EHGV RQ ERWK VLGHV RI &OLH $YHQXH IURP WK WR VW 6WUHHWV ZLWK VXPPHU ȵRZHUV SURYLGHG E\ WKH City of Courtenay. Refreshments will be available. No prior experience is required, just pick an open spot, and start planting. Participants are asked to bring garden gloves and a trowel or spoon for digging.
Courtenay Parks
The Rotary Water Park at Lewis Park re-opens on Saturday, May 17th! 7KH ZDWHUSDUN LV RSHQ IURP DP WR SP GDLO\ WKURXJKRXW the summer. Please note that hours are subject to change. $ FRORXUIXO DQG VDIH UXEEHU VXUIDFH LQVWDOOHG LQ LV PDGH IURP recycled tires. This work was partially funded by a grant from Tire Stewardship BC. See page 129 for more information on the outdoor pool at Lewis Park. Call the Lewis Centre for further information at 250-338-5371. Simms Summer Concert Series is Coming this Summer Enjoy FREE concerts with local and regional performers on Sundays throughout the summer. $OO FRQFHUWV VWDUW DW S P DQG ODVW RQH WR WZR KRXUV Due to construction at Simms Park, 2025 concerts will take place at the Lewis Park stage EHVLGH WKH /HZLV &HQWUH SDUNLQJ ORW DW Old Island Highway.
Please bring your own lawn chair or blanket. Check in mid-May for a complete schedule of performers at
Courtenay Parks | 250-338-1525 | 250-338-5371 |
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