Courtenay Rec pages.pdf
ParticipACTION Community Challenge starts June 1st • Individual challenges • Family fun activities • Adapted sports for everyone • And so much more!
Courtenay Active Living
Dynamic Fusion Join us for a one-hour regis tered version of Susan’s lunch hour class, Dynamic Fusion. 7KLV LQWHJUDWLYH ȴWQHVV FODVV combines weightlifting, Pilates, and yoga to enhance overall ȴWQHVV 7KH XQLTXH EOHQG ERRVWV strength, balance, mobility, core VWDELOLW\ DQG ȵH[LELOLW\ RHULQJ a comprehensive workout for all levels. No class July 29. Instructor: Susan Obieglo Tuesdays #15670 April 15 - June 24 $132/11 #16440 July 8 - August 26 $84/7 Wellness
Regulating Your Nervous System This 6 class series focuses on improving your nervous system. (DFK FODVV ZLOO SURYLGH VSHFLȴF exercises to enhance your “rest and relax” state of mind. Learn how you can improve and over come from the following: depres sion, anxiety, fatigue, tension, pain, trauma, ADHD, or insomnia. Instructor: Mackenzie Tuesdays #15815 April 1 - May 6 #15816 May 13 - June 17 7:00 - 8:00 pm Native Sons Dining Room $180/6 This 6 class series teaches you to be a better mover, prevent injuries, remove barriers and to be more athletic. Gain more insight on how to train your own nervous system in order to be PRUH ȵH[LEOH VWURQJ VWDEOH DQG ultimately to become a healthier version of yourself. Instructor: Mackenzie Thursdays #15817 April 3 - May 8 #15818 May 15 - June 19 7:00 - 8:00 pm Lewis Salish Building $180/6 Fundamentals to be an Everyday Athlete
Minds in Motion (50 years & over)
0LQGV LQ 0RWLRQ LV D ȴWQHVV DQG social program for people living with any form of early stage de mentia along with a family mem ber, friend or other care part QHU 7KH SURJUDP LV RHUHG LQ partnership with the Alzheimer Society of B.C. Gentle exercises are followed by social activities designed to be enjoyed in pairs. Care partners must attend. Call (778) 746-2017 for more info. Instructor: Nancy Victoria Wednesdays #15674 April 16 - May 21 #15675 June 4 - July 9 1:00 - 3:00 pm Native Sons Lodge & Dining Room $60/6
5:45 - 6:45 pm Lewis MP Hall
Ink and Asana: Springtime Retreat Enjoy an afternoon of gentle stretching, yoga nidra and faciltat ed expressive writing. Explore your inner world through writing prompts and drop into peacefulness by enjoying gentle movements and deep yogic rest. Instructor: Paula Holmes-Rodman & Susan Obieglo #15677 Sunday May 4 1:00 - 3:30 pm Native Sons Lodge & Dining Room $70 Did you know? You can register on March 10 for your favourite Spring & Summer programs.
Courtenay Recreation | 250-338-5371 | 250-338-1000 |
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