Courtenay Rec pages.pdf

Drop-in Fitness

BootCamp Blast Tuesdays 10:30 - 11:30 am Thursdays 9:00 - 10:00 am You’ll get your butt kicked with a mix of equipment based and bodyweight exercises. This class combines cardio, functional training and conditioning exercises. Instructor: Steve Thomson Spin Express Tuesday 12:05 - 12:55 pm Beginners to Spin welcome, and seasoned cyclists will be challenged! Class is composed of a warm-up, cardio, cool-down and stretch. Instructor: Fiona McQuillan Zumba® Toning combines target ed body-sculpting exercises and high-energy cardio work with Lat in-infused Zumba® moves. Instructor: Milena Spratt Step & Strength Tuesdays 9:00 - 10:00 am Step and Strength combines step aerobics with strength training for a full-body workout that boosts cardio, builds muscle, and tones. Instructor: Leah Partidge Monday Motivator Mondays 12:05 - 12:55 pm 6WDUW WKH ZHHN R΍ ULJKW ZLWK D FKDO lenging mix of exercises that target your upper and lower body as well as core. You will develop balance, strength and agility, as well as im proved heart and lungs. Instructor: Susan Obieglo Zumba Toning Mondays 5:30 - 6:30 pm

Athletic Barre Tuesdays 5:00 - 6:00 pm

Pedal N’ Sculpt+ Saturdays 9:00 - 10:30 am This popular Saturday morning class begins with a cycle workout to get the heart pumping, followed by g A strength-based program where participants will use Kettle Bells to strengthen the body! We will focus RQ FRUH PRELOLW\ VWUHQJWK DQG ȴQLVK with a good stretch. Instructor: Nancy Victoria Power Spin & Core Thursdays 5:15 - 6:15 pm High-intensity cycling combined with core-strengthening exercises for a comprehensive full-body workout. Instructor: Nancy Victoria Early Bird Fitness )ULGD\V DP This class combines cardio, strength and balance exercises using a va riety of formats and hand weights. Leave feeling energized, strong and ready to tackle the day ahead. All ȴWQHVV OHYHOV DUH ZHOFRPH Instructor: Tina Pringle Strictly Strength )ULGD\V DP Designed after our ever popular registered class, this drop-in strength FODVV R΍HUV D VXSSRUWLYH HQYLURQPHQW to build strength using resistance training and various equipment, enhancing muscle, bone health, and ȵH[LELOLW\ Instructor: Leah Partidge Kettle Bell )ULGD\V SP Dynamic Fusion Thursdays 12:05 - 12:55 pm $Q LQWHJUDWLYH ȴWQHVV FODVV FRPELQ ing weightlifting, Pilates, and yoga to enhance strength, balance, mobility, FRUH VWDELOLW\ DQG ȵH[LELOLW\ Instructor: Susan Obieglo

Zumba w/ Milena Wednesdays 9:00 - 10:00 am This Latin infused dance class will burn tons of calories and make you sweat. You will shimmy, shake, and pump your chest! Instructor: Milena Spratt HIIT Wednesdays 12:05 - 12:55 pm This is an intense workout com bining functional movements and high-intensity interval training to build strength, endurance, and agility. Instructor: Leah Partidge Start your week with this Yin class, HQKDQFLQJ PRELOLW\ DQG ȵH[LELOLW\ through deep holds, promoting re laxation. Yoga experience required. Instructor: Susan Obieglo DanceFit Thursdays 10:30 - 11:30 am *HW KDSS\ DQG ȴW LQ WKLV ORZHU intensity dance-style class. Features easy to follow dance moves and fun, upbeat music from around the world. Instructor: Lyla Pettis (QKDQFLQJ ȴWQHVV WKURXJK H΍HFWLYH weight training and mobility exercis HV IRU VWUHQJWK ȵH[LELOLW\ DQG PRELOL ty. Instructor: Nancy Victoria Strength, Stretch & Mobility Wednesdays 5:15 - 6:15 pm Zumba w/ Stacie Tuesdays 6:15 - 7:15 pm Join Stacie for a medium to high LQWHQVLW\ /DWLQ LQVSLUHG GDQFH ȴWQHVV class guaranteed to make you sweat! Instructor: Stacie Cleveland The barre is used for balance and posture, incorporating weights, tubing and the bender ball. Instructor: Nancy Victoria Yin Yoga w/ Susan Tuesdays 7:30 - 8:45 pm

Courtenay Active Living

Flow Yoga Tuesdays 12:05 - 12:55 pm

In this Vinyasa yoga class, you’ll prac tice poses that are strung together to IRUP RQH ȵXLG VHTXHQFH RI PRYH ment. Instructor: Susan Obieglo

strength and ab training. Instructor: Luis Acosta

Fitness schedule substitutes & cancellations will be posted at FRXUWHQD\ FD ȴWQHVV


No classes on stat holidays

Courtenay Recreation | 250-338-5371 | 250-338-1000 |


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