Courtenay Rec Spring pages


Courtenay Recreation Table of Contents

As I write this, hope is on the horizon thanks to the rollout of COVID-19 vaccines. We are so grateful for the health care and essential workers who have gone the extra mile, and then some, over this past year. On behalf of the team at Courtenay Recreation, a huge thank you and round of applause to program partic- ipants and the public who have been accessing recreation services. Your careful adherence to safety guide- lines helps us keep others and our staff safe. I’d also like to highlight the Recre- ation team who have worked so hard to adapt programs and facility operations, including many creative and unique offerings to help us stay connected, healthy, and active. Thank you all. Let’s look forward to brighter days ahead.



Early Years (Preschool) ............. 56 Children’s Programs................ 60 Youth Programs....................... 69 Adult Programs........................ 75 Active Living. ............................ 84 Wellness Centre....................... 84 Fitness....................................... 87 Evergreen Club. ....................... 94 Adapted Programs Adapted Programs for Adults with Disabilities.............69

Facilities Cozy Corner Preschool..............55 Squash.........................................83 Registration................................98 Wellness Centre.........................84 Culture Groups..........................99 Courtenay Parks......................100 Lewis Centre Facility Rentals....96 Filberg Centre & Native Sons Hall Facility Rentals..........97

Bob Wells

Program Registration 250-338-5371 or 250-338-1000 click on Spring Programs


COURTENAY RECREATION | 250-338-5371 | 250-338-1000 |

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