City of Courtenay Annual Report 2022
The Greenwood Trunk sewer main in East Courtenay is Now Complete The top priority in the City of Courtenay's Sewer Master Plan, the project has increased sewer capacity in East Courtenay for current and anticipated development. The project includes new sanitary sewer mains off Anderton Road and a new sewer pump station, redirecting substantial sewage flows away from the Courtenay lift station and connecting to an existing section of the Greenwood Trunk Sewer constructed by the Comox Valley Regional District in 2017. Courtenay’s Greenwood Trunk includes 600 metres of gravel roadway, 3.2 kilometres of pipe, and other supporting works, and will allow three smaller lift stations to be decommissioned. Water and Sewer Master Plans Adopted The City of Courtenay's Water and Sewer Master Plans adopted by Council in March 2022 are the culmination of 5 years of work by engineering and hydraulic modeling consultants as well as over 1,000 hours of staff time. The work involved improving the City’s underground utility mapping to an accurate and modern geographic information system that is integrated into state of the art water and sewer hydraulic models. The City is now able to model system scenarios in the utilities at its own discretion and schedule in order to evaluate system options. Utility Master Plans are planning tools to guide utility improvements and infrastructure renewal decisions to ensure investments are completed in an organized and cost-effective manner. The last master plans were completed over a decade ago and in the ensuing years, the City has seen significant growth and operational changes to both the water and sewer systems. The Water and Sewer Master Plans provide a review of the hydraulic performance of the City of Courtenay’s utilities and identify efficiencies and recommended upgrades over the next 20 years.
$1 million of the total project cost was provided through Community Works (Gas Tax) Funds. For more info visit
Projects and costs presented in the Water and Sewer Master Plans do not represent a financial plan, but will be included in other work including a Development Cost Charge bylaw update and an Asset Management Plan for the City. Projects in these plans will be used as budget drivers in the City of Courtenay's annual budget processes by integrating these plans with concurrent planning for other City infrastructure such as roads, cycling and pedestrian upgrades, as well as other buried utilities. View master plans: Did you know? The City water system consists of 173km of pipes that are tied into the Regional Comox Valley Water system at various locations. In order to keep water pressures relatively similar throughout the City, the water distribution system is divided into 6 pressure zones. End to end, the sewer mains under Courtenay's streets would stretch 163 kilometres – the same distance from downtown Courtenay to downtown Duncan!
City of Courtenay | 2022 Annual Report
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