City of Courtenay Annual Report 2022


Municipal elections are held every four years to elect a Mayor and six Councillors. The City of Courtenay also runs the school district election for Trustee Electoral Area 1, to elect two school trustees for Courtenay. The City's Legislative Services division is responsible for coordinating elections, with support provided by Communications, Human Resources, Information Technology, Payroll, Purchasing, Recreation and Public Works. For the 2022 election, the City of Courtenay provided two advance voting opportunities and mail ballot voting, in addition to general voting day on October 15. Thanks to changes in provincial legislation, 2022 was the first municipal election that mail ballot voting was available to all Courtenay residents. With further voter experience and refinements to the process, mail ballot voting will continue to offer increased access, convenience, safety and flexibility. Staff prepared for higher numbers in advance voting and mail ballot voting, including moving advance voting to larger facilities in 2022. The larger facilities and higher staffing levels at advance voting were a positive change that allowed for a higher volume of voters, and the opportunity for election workers to learn their positions prior to general voting day. There was generally positive feedback about the voting process, from voters and from election workers. Operationally, the election was successful, and staff are confident in the integrity of the electoral process. While

mail ballot voting and advance voting drew more voters than in past years, overall voter turnout was down significantly across the Comox Valley. Turnout is often based on the characteristics of the election and election issues, not election capacity or organization. The maximum wait time for voters was 20 minutes between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. at the Florence Filberg Centre on general voting day. At all other voting places and times, wait times were less than five minutes to enter the polling place.


Other opportunities (mail ballot, special voting) Queneesh Elementary Florence Filberg Centre Advance voting

36% 26% % registered voters

City of Courtenay | 2022 Annual Report


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