City of Courtenay Annual Report 2022
On behalf of City of Courtenay staff, thanks for reviewing our annual report and learning more about some of the many projects and initiatives that our teams worked on over the last year. 2022 was my first full calendar year with the City after many years working elsewhere. I have truly enjoyed getting reacquainted with our great staff and community partners. This was a year of renewal and resurgence, with a return to normal service levels after two years of adapting City services and programs during the COVID-19 pandemic. It was quite a year. Our response to the pandemic helped us learn and grown as an organization in profound ways, and we’ve emerged on the other side with a serious evolution of our programs and services. For example, many of the temporary steps we took to support and formalize virtual engagement options during the pandemic, such as our Council meetings, are now permanent. While it was a challenging time, we were able to come together, learn from one another, and develop processes that allow us to more rapidly respond to emerging issues to help meet our community’s needs. We’ve always been a resilient organization, and during one of the most serious tests we’ve ever faced, we proved we could meet the challenge. I see it in action every single day, and our residents and businesses benefit from this amazing team spirit through the services we provide. I’m proud of our ongoing collaboration and partnerships with K’ómoks First Nation, other regional governments, CUPE, the Downtown Courtenay Business Improvement Association, Comox Valley RCMP, and the many social service providers and community groups we liaise with on a regular basis. Courtenay’s many attractions, including our natural environment, cultural activities, and access to services, makes it a desirable place to live, work, play and learn. It’s important that we manage growth responsibly, ensuring that current and future development reflects the needs and wishes of our community. The adoption of the new Official Community Plan represented a significant step forward for the City and the people we serve. This forward-thinking and progressive document will shape how our community grows over time. It informs all of Courtenay’s other master plans and programs. It’s the City’s most comprehensive planning tool, but it’s not the only major master plan completed in 2022. Courtenay also adopted new master plans for water and sewer, mapping out plans for future infrastructure upgrades for two of our most complex services. Since 2019, Courtenay has adopted master plans and strategies for our urban forest, cycling network, transportation, parks and recreation.
We’re not done yet. In 2023 we’re embarking on a Strategic Cultural Plan, as well as a Flood Management Plan. This annual report is organized around the 2019-2022 Strategic Priorities that were established during that Council term. Next year, you can expect changes to this report to reflect the Strategic Priorities adopted by Council in spring 2023, which adapts the goals of the OCP into specific actions over the next four years and beyond. There are lots of exciting and forward-thinking projects on the horizon, and I’m looking forward to seeing the results in the years ahead. Geoff Garbutt, MCIP RPP City Manager
City of Courtenay | 2022 Annual Report
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