

Brain Basics: Understanding Sleep 18 years & up Learn the basics of sleep, including: why we sleep and what parts of the brain are involved, the different sleep stages and mechanisms, how age and illness may affect sleep. Evaluate all the factors that affect your sleep finding tools to help with a good night’s rest. Instructor: Martina Forster Thursdays 1:00 – 2:00 pm Rm B Mar 4 - 25 #5288 $74 + gst Brain Fit Level 1 18 years & up In this fun and engaging program, learn how to boost your cognitive and mental health. Join an Occupational Therapist to learn how the brain changes with age or illness and explore the process of memory, attention and how we incorporate functional strategies and techniques into our daily lives. By the end of the series participants will have exercises and techniques to create a home program to support continued brain health. Instructor: Martina Forster Thursdays 1:00 – 2:00 pm Rm B Jan 7 - Feb 11 #5202 $89 + gst

Brain Fit Level 2 18 years & up

Introduction to Numerology 16 years & up

This is the next step for those who have taken a Brain Fit introduction course with Martina. In this course you will continue to build on your knowledge of the brain, mindfulness and continue to challenge your brain with new challenging exercises. Instructor: Martina Forster Thursdays 2:30 - 3:30 pm Rm B Jan 7 - Feb 11 #5201 $89 + gst Reading the Tarot 18 years & up Learn the ancient art of “sooth saying” for personal development or to work professionally as a card reader. Learn how to get to know your cards, layouts to use in different situations, and how to develop your reading abilities. Please bring your own tarot deck. Workbook provided. Instructor: Kara Foreman Saturday 9:00 am - 12:00 pm Rm C Mar 13 #5328 $39 + gst

Numerology is the study of vibrational significance of the

numbers found in your name and birth date. It can provide insight into your strengths and weaknesses, deep desires, emotional triggers, innate talents and the way you respond to others. It also provides tools to make important life decision. In this workshop, you will learn how to perform the basic calculations to build your “numerology map”. Bring your full name, month, day year, paper, pen, and calculator. Workbook provided. Instructor: Kara Foreman Saturday 9:00 am - 12:00 pm Rm C Mar 27 #5329 $39 + gst


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