Forever Fit: Move & Groove 16 years & up Stay fit and active at any age! Enjoy a mix of fun cardio, toning sticks, and bands, followed by a relaxing stretch. Come for fun, fitness, and great tunes while improving body and the mind. Suitable for beginners and fit seniors. No session Feb 15. Instructor: Ruth Bell Mondays 10:30 - 11:30 am MP Hall Jan 4 - Mar 29 #5071 $84 + gst Forever Fit: Total Body 16 years & up Mix it up with cardio and strength exercises! Use hand weights, bands, over balls and other equipment to improve strength, cardio, balance and mobility. Suitable for beginners and fit seniors. Instructor Janice Bradford Wednesdays 10:30 - 11:30 am MP Hall Jan 8 - Mar 26 #5289 $84 + gst Yoga Pilates/Yoga Fusion 16 years & up Build strength and tone your core muscles while improving flexibility and creating harmony in the body for stress reduction. This fusion is the best of both disciplines. Pilates exercises and yoga poses will give you a full body workout with focus on proper movement. Each class ends with a soothing relaxation. All levels welcome. No session Feb 15. Instructor: Glenny Whelan Mondays 10:15 - 11:15 am Rm B Jan 4 - Mar 29 #5307
Fitness BOSU Total Body Workout 16 years & up
Energia HIIT - C 16 years & up
Find out why high intensity interval training is the most beneficial style of workout for strength building, weight loss and heart health for all ages and all levels. Each class will have a different focus, varying between core, balance, strength, agility, speed, functional flexibility and cardio. A variety of equipment will be used in this class. Low impact and beginner alternatives always provided. No session Feb 15.
The BOSU stability ball is one of the ultimate pieces of fitness equipment. Work your whole body, including cardio component and exercises that integrate core strength, balance, coordination and resistance training. Suitable for all fitness levels. Instructor: Glenny Whelan Mondays 9:00 - 10:00 am MP Hall Jan 4 - Mar 29 #5306 $96 + gst Butts & Guts & Biceps 16 years & up Target the most common problem areas such as, butt, hamstrings, quadriceps and mid-section. Leg and core exercises along with cardio
Instructor: Alicia Fennell Wednesdays & Fridays 9:00 – 9:45 am Gym A Jan 13 - Mar 16 1x week #5121 $98 + gst 2x week #5120 $185 + gst
conditioning using a variety of equipment and body weight exercises will leave you feeling energized for the day!
$96 + gst Saturdays 10:15 - 11:15 am Rm B Jan 9 - Mar 27 #5308 $96 + gst
Instructor: Paula Dickie Tuesdays & Thursdays 9:00 – 9:45 am
Gym A #5031 #5033
Jan 12 - Feb 11 Feb 16 - Mar 10
$80 + gst
• 84
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