
NIA Nia is fusion dance fitness that moves you - body and soul! We move every muscle, flowing through dynamics of power and grace, stability and agility, to music that uplifts and invigorates. Every- one welcome in this body positive class, with modifications for all levels of ability. No class Febru- ary 15. Instructor: Ann Marie Lisch #6330 Mondays January 4 - March 29 5:30 - 6:45 pm Filberg Rotary Hall $120/12

SPIN EXPRESS Beginners to Spin are welcome, and seasoned cyclists will be chal- lenged with a varied class driven by high energy fun music. Class is composed of a warm-up, cardio, cool-down and stretch. Instructor: Fiona McQuillan #6325 Fridays January 8 - March 26 12:10 - 1:00 pm Lewis MP Hall $6.50/ reservation required

CORE N’ CUTS A core based exercise class in- termixed with HIIT cardio using balls, bosus, bikes, bands and body weights to carve curves and tighten butts, sculpt abs and melt body fat. Instructor: Steve Thomson #6335 Fridays January 8 - March 26 9:15 - 10:15 am Lewis MP Hall $6.50/ reservation required

Personal Training Team


Tammy Jones Training Specialties: - Cardio-Kickboxing - Bootcamps - H.I.I.T. - TRX, Spin

Signi Caine Personal Trainer, Weight Training, Third Age, Group Fitness Re-Certified: 2019 Training Specialties: - Step

JuanBlancas Training Specialties: - Step, Resistance Tubing, Dumbbell - Stability Ball - Body Ball, Core Activation, Assessment & Training

- Resistance Training - Older Adult Fitness - Spin - Core Conditioning

Nancy Victoria Training Specialties: - Women and Weight loss - Older Adult - Bender Ball & Spin - Sports Conditioning - Functional Conditioning

Cathy Riopelle Training Specialties: - Strengthening Muscular Imbalances - Core Conditioning - Boot Camp/HIIT - Weight Management - Older Adults

Personal Training Prices

Please note: The Lewis Wellness Centre is intended for recreational use only. External service providers (coaches, therapists, trainers, etc) are not permit- ted to conduct their business activities in the Lewis Wellness Centre facility.


* Semi Private (2 people)

1 session $60 3 sessions $165 5 sessions $250 10 sessions $400 15 sessions $525

1 session $90 3 sessions $255 5 sessions $400 10 sessions $600 15 sessions $750

* Please call ahead to check availability, Semi Private may not be available at this time.

All sessions must be pre-purchased & booked by phone.


ExpressPersonal Training $90/3 thirtyminute sessions (privateonly) We recommendexpress sessions for clients looking tobecome familiarwith weightliftingorwithprevious experience. 24 hours’ notice prior to your scheduled appointment must be given to cancel your training appointment or you will be charged a full session.

Personal Training timeslots may be limited due to facility availability.



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