DANCEFIT Join the Dancefit fun! Get sweaty, happy and fit in this invigorating, cardio based class with a mix of dance moves and exercises that will leave you wanting more. You’ll move around to fun music of all genre’s and end up getting a great workout without even realizing the
hard work you put in! Instructor: Lyla Pettis #6109 Tuesdays
January 5 - March 30 9:00 - 10:00 am Lewis MP Hall $6.50/ reserved drop-in
SACRED CIRCLE DANCE Come learn folk, traditional, and spiritual dances from around the world. Most dances are done in a circle connected by hands but we will modify this to being connected with our presence, not physically by hands (at least for now) as we create a community of fun and healing. No dance experience required and two left feet are welcome! Instructor: Laura Forgie #6421 Tuesdays January 12 - March 16 7:00 - 8:00 pm Native Sons Dining Room $60/10 DANCEFIT SILVER This lower intensity (but just as fun), dance based fitness class will have you working out to easy to follow dance moves, exercises and fun, upbeat music. The hour will fly by before you know it, plus it’ll leave you feeling rejuvenated and wanting more! Instructor: Lyla Pettis #6477 Thursdays January 7 - April 1 10:30 - 11:30 am Lewis MP Hall $85/13
LINE DANCE - INTERMEDIATE Come and kick up your heels and dance the afternoon away! Line dancing is a great way to keep your brain and your body active! No partners required. No class January 27 & February 24. Instructor: Joan Wydenes #6413 Wednesdays January 6 - March 17 1:00 - 2:00 pm have loads of fun! It keeps the brain fit as well! For anyone who loves to dance - no partner need - ed. Join us for some great exer - cise, great fun and great music. Free the dancer in you! Instructor: Darlene Birtwistle #6414 Thursdays January 14 - March 18 7:15 - 8:15 pm Vern Nichols Gymnasium $60/10 LINE DANCE PARTY Line Dancing isn’t just Country anymore! Dancing to pop, coun - try, and more, you will learn basic dance steps, burn calories, and
NIA Nia is fusion dance fitness that moves you - body and soul! We move every muscle, flowing through dynamics of power and grace, stability and agility, to music that uplifts and invigorates. Every - one welcome in this body positive class, with modifications for all levels of ability. No class Febru- ary 15. Instructor: Ann Marie Lisch #6330 Mondays January 4 - March 29 5:30 - 6:45 pm Filberg Rotary Hall $120/12 LINE DANCE - BEGINNER Come and kick up your heels and dance the afternoon away! Line dancing is a great way to keep your brain and your body active! No partners required. Instructor: Joan Wydenes #6412 Tuesdays January 5 - March 16 12:30 - 1:30 pm Lewis MP Hall $66/11
Filberg Conference Hall B $54/9
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