INTRO TO WATER- COLOUR PAINTING Watercolour is amazing for creat- ing evocative landscapes, whether misty valleys, still reflecting water, snow covered hills, or lighter than air cloudscapes. This class will cover the following techniques: dropping in colour, layering wash- es, using opaque with transparent colours, masking whites, drawing and brushwork! Come and have fun while learning to make paint- ings that you will love! No class February 15. Instructor: Teresa Knight #6428 Mondays January 18 - March 15 6:00 - 8:00 pm Native Sons Dining Room $99/8 MOSAIC OCEAN SCENE With templates of starfish, shells and seaweed you will arrange and create an ocean scene incorporat- ing stained glass, beach glass and rocks. Glued and grouted, a 12” round of wood this can be used as a Lazy Susan centerpiece or as a decorative Wall Plaque. Mosaic is a fun, easy and very creative pro- cess. Additional $40 material fee due to instructor. Instructor: Nancy Morrison #6424 Wednesdays February 10 - March 17 7:00 - 9:00 pm Lewis Craft Room B $75/6
Arts & Crafts INTRODUCTION TO OIL PAINTING Oil painting is most beautiful and perhaps most intuitive and re- warding of all the painting medi- ums. We will work with traditional oils and also newer non-toxic oil paints in this class so you may determine what is right for you. Learn old masters‘ methods of under painting, glazing, grisaille, and alla prims and ways to get the most out of the newer paints. We will learn while creating our own oil paintings in class. Instructor: Teresa Knight #6399 Wednesdays January 20 - March 10 6:00 - 8:00 pm Filberg Craft Room $125/8 Register ONLINE at For updates & schedule changes, go to
PAINTING PEOPLE (FACES AND FIGURES) Easily learn to get the face and figure right in your drawings and paintings. We’ll master body pro- portions for poses and in move- ment, how to mix realistic skin tones, how to draw or paint the highlights and shadows and get the facial features right. It’s lots of fun and you’ll be happy you took this course! Instructor: Teresa Knight #6427 Tuesdays January 19 - March 9 6:00 - 8:00 pm Filberg Craft Room $125/8
INTERMEDIATE ACRYLIC PAINTING Learn several methods of expressing what you truly want to say in your paintings. Your paintings can do much more than copy from life. We will subtly manipulate colour, line, images, composition, etc to transmit your feelings and ideas...all in a fun and relaxed atmosphere! This class will help you explore how to get your vision across! No class Thursday February 11. Instructor: Teresa Knight #6430 Thursdays January 21 - March 18 6:00 - 8:00 pm Native Sons Dining Room $125/8
COURTENAY RECREATION | 250-338-5371 | 250-338-1000 |
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