
Birthday Parties at The LINC (8 - 18 years) Register for an original birthday party package. We organize the games, provide supervision, and clean up! Choose from a variety of themes:

• dodgeball • skatepark • general/games room • make & take (tie-dye, slime or bath salts) Or combine themes to make a party all your own! Host parent must be present. Maximum 12 participants. Saturdays starting January 9 12:30 - 2:30 pm or Sundays starting January 10 11:00 am - 1:00 pm or 2:00 - 4:00 pm $110 or $150 with 3 large pizzas $152 /Make & Take (choose 1: tie dye, slime, bath salts) $192/Make & Take with 3 large pizzas SPRING BREAK

School’s Out SK8 SCOOT SNOW (7 - 11 years) It’s time to change up your winter break routine! Ride your skate- board or scooter and get tips and tricks from our skatepark staff as you cruise the street section and bowl. Or, challenge your friends to indoor and outdoor activities like dodge-ball, air hockey, games, experiments and more! We’ll make sure you have an action-packed winter break! Monday - Wednesday

SPRING BREAK SMASH UP (10 - 16 years)


SK8 TOUR (8 - 14 years)



Take on new challenges as we load the bus and hit the road to tour some of the island’s best out - door skateparks. Skateboards and scooters welcome; helmets are mandatory. Please bring a lunch, snacks and lots of water. March 22 - Comox Valley Tour (LINC, Lerwick, Cumberland) March 23 - Campbell River Skatepark March 24 - Nanaimo Rotary & Harewood Youth Parks March 25 - Cedar Skatepark March 26 - Chemainus Skatepark Parks subject to change based on youth interest and weather. #6453 Monday - Friday March 22 - 26

Enjoy an action packed week! Each day we’ll load the bus for a different adventure including interactive games, activities and out trips. Activities are subject to change, weather permitting and dependent on COVID-19 restric- tions. Watch for an itinerary com - ing in March. #6452 Monday - Thursday

March 29 - April 1 9:00 am - 4:00 pm LINC Youth Centre $180/4

#6120 December 21 - 23 #6121 December 28 - 30

TWEEN PRO D (7 - 11 years)

9:00 am - 4:00 pm LINC Youth Centre $99/3

Enjoy your day off of school at The LINC! We’ll keep you busy playing air hockey and dodgeball, prac- ticing tricks in the skatepark and doing cool activities and experi- ments! #6396 Friday February 12 8:30 am - 4:00 pm LINC Indoor Skatepark $35

TWEEN NIGHT OUT (8 - 11 years) School’s out for the day - now what? Register for this action -

9:00 am - 4:00 pm LINC Youth Centre $175/5

packed program that will have you burning off your extra energy. We’ll be active, creative and adventureous as we try out new games, crafts, challenges and experiments! #6554 Tuesdays January 12 - February 23 3:30 - 5:30 pm LINC Games Room $65/7


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