CV Rec Summer 2023 full guide

LI’L NINJAS Get those heart rates up and play pretend ninja for the week! We will move, jump, run, climb and explore as we develop your senses and awareness around you through sports, games, relays, activities and more. Try out different equipment, meet other ninjas and have fun! Bring a snack, water bottle, hat, sun screen and runners each day. #12122 Monday - Friday

KAM SOCCER TOTS (3 - 5 years) Come have some fun on the field with the enthusiastic in structors from KAM Soccer. Chil dren will enjoy an introduction to the game of Soccer, including lots of ball contact, motor skill development and social interac tion. We play outside, so please dress for the weather. Looking forward to playing Soccer with you! Instructor: KAM Soccer coaches Monday - Friday #11975 July 24 - 28 #11976 August 21 - 25 10:00 - 10:45 am Lewis Soccer Fields 1 & 2 $95/5

TODDLER YOGA (2 - 5 years)


Introduce your little ones to yoga early! This fun class in cludes breathing practices, songs, stretches, silly wiggles, and animal sounds. We try to keep our expectations low on how many yoga poses the little ones actually do and focus on having fun. While the class is geared towards kids aged 2-5, parents are welcome to join in the stretches too. No class August 9. Instructor: Kelly Yaskiw #12155 Wednesdays July 12 - August 23 9:00 - 9:45 am Lewis Meeting Room $54/6

August 14 - 18 1:00 - 3:30 pm Cozy Corner Preschool $85/5


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